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Edit: I got nostalgic for older layouts thus the reintroduction of this one from about a year ago…just in case people thought I was passing this off as new…I AIN’T!

That is all.

I’s about 7:11 PM right now…how is it that I just woke up?

It’s was kind of funny I’d been waking up for the last couple of hours thinking “how is it not light outside yet?!?!”

I don’t know why I slept that long…I didn’t even stay up late last night…

I guess this week has been more tiring than I thought!

In other news…

My first record for my record collection finally came in!

It’s Marvin Gaye’s What’s Going On album!

I’m sooo excited! When I ordered it, they said they didn’t have it in stock, but I guess they found one because here it is!

I wish I had friends here that would appreciate such things…actually now that I think about it I can only think of one person that would geek out about this as much as I am…but thou shalt not break the mandatory post break-up vow of silence with phone calls and such.

Unfortunately, the stylus on my record player broken so I can’t listen to it right now, but I’m going to venture out to Circuit City tomorrow and get a new one.

LOL every time I look at it I’m like “wooooo!!!!!!!!” though… like I don’t have this same CD in my Bose player right now.

I LOVE Marvin Gaye though…he is my sunshine.

In still other news…

I’m trying to remember how to make friends.

The group of people I hung out with in college were always organization related. For example, freshman year it was “Challenge Program” (summer Georgia Tech assimilation program) friends, sophomore year it was AKA interests/AKA roommates. Junior year it was AKA’s. Senior year…really no one until about the last two semesters (btw “senior year can be up to 3 years at tech…lol)…and the core group of Alphas didn’t come until the very last few months of college.

So…yeah. I guess I’m prone to get friends from work now, but I don’t know, even though I’ve graduated, it’s like the “real world” really isn’t all that different from college…except now you have to pay bills and grades come in the form of a salary or performance assessments. Socially though, it’s exactly the same. The network event I went to last night was really just a club with food…and the people I hung with the week before, were just like the people in college that I usually avoided due to their rambunctiousness.

Even dude from last night, although he was pretty gorgeous, I can already tell he’s not my type…

My people are usually pretty mellow, the type to have dinner together or meet up at a lounge or something…like the people on Love Jones.

and they aren’t American for the most part…LOL

(Wow yeah that’s right…most of the people I hang with aren’t American…that’s funny…)

I don’t know…I guess now I just really want to be around people who are familiar…and who KNOW me. I want to hang out with my pals and drink alcohol and watch movies (aka fall asleep because every one’s tired for various reasons). I miss sneaking alcohol candy into the movies and laughing at the person who will have no shame about having full conversations on their cell phones during the movie. I miss having shots at the local lounge paid for by friends…and then later returning to some one’s house to say now infamous phrases such as “you’ll be soorrrry…”

LOL why do all those memories involve drinking?! LMAO…

And for all the time I spend saying “I don’t need nobody these days”…I really miss GAM…how he was the sophisticated and sexy reserved person when I first met him, the goofy loving life person he was when we were together, even the snoring, yet endearing person he was when he was asleep.

Those days are over now though…people have graduated, some are starting new families, others have changed completely…

BOO MOVING ON! I miss the carefree days of college. :(


LOL much better

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