Six Months Ago Today

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Six months ago today I had a special date. It was Saturday April 7, 2007. GAM took me to a jazz club in a cozy corner of downtown Atlanta. We were the youngest people in there by about 15 years or so, but we didn’t care, we know and appreciate good music.

The owner came and sat by us and carded us in a non-threatening way. He talked to us about music and how he was excited to see new faces, even though they looked like they were too young to be among the 21 and uppers. GAM ordered his normal Resling and I had water and took sips of his glass from time to time.

We hadn’t been together for too long. I remember, I asked HIM out. I’d been trying to get people to go on a picnic, and when no one really showed interest, I thought I’d go out on a limb and ask him specifically. Not only did he agree to come, HE COOKED! That picnic was followed by a trip to a Mom and Pop ice cream parlor, which turned into a drive to a Lake Lanier where we stayed all night just talking, then we went back to his place…


It was the longest and most romantic date I’d ever been on.

With a start like that we were unshakeable. We were so corny….doing all the things that young people in love do…

Summer came as did the months of “relationship settling”… first fights, periods of non-communication, power struggles, passionate make ups, etc…the typical cycles most relationships go through. Despite it all, we became more bonded, building a foundation that would strengthen us for the tougher days to come…

I graduated, enter “long-distance.” With school picking back up again, life gets busy with meetings, tests, organizations, etc….for me, life isn’t as busy, but my mind is busy learning, planning, traveling to interviews…

There many not be as much time to talk, and we may see each maybe once every few weeks, but the feelings are still there, only more mature, and more grounded in reality.

Today, I am in a place where I understand that love is not always flowers, butterflies, and music. There are some stormy times too. It’s the sum of all of that that makes a relationship fulfilling…and there is no other person I would ride the waves with but GAM.

. . .

LOL, I really need to make a new name for him…

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