Simply Amazing

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It’s going to be “One of those” so feel free to skip this one.

The theme of this semester has been “be open to the new.” I’m usually somewhat of a recluse who doesn’t like to go out or even meet people because I find most to be intolerable. This year though, with the help of an AMAZING friend, I have been much more social and I’m learning and growing much more.

The people I hang out with are such trailblazers. They truly have a passion for giving back to the community and actually DO it rather than just sit around and talk about or do something every once in a while. They’ve committed their lives to impacting everyone around them in a positive way and are some of the most unselfish and giving people I know.

Sometimes it’s a little intimidating to be around such focused people who are just…I can’t even explain…truly AMAZING. I wonder, why do they want to hang out with me? I’m nowhere as near as passionate about anything and I’m not at all as confident or ambitious as they are. They’ve been through SO MUCH in their lives with their pasts and things they’ve gone through…and I’ve been incredibly sheltered my entire life.

I don’t know…maybe I just need to focus inward to find that same passion within myself…somehow…


My AMAZING friend is a bit a facilitator in how I started to hang out with another AMAZING person. They were similar to me in that they kept mostly to themselves, and they’re a fellow phirst phammer and had the same ideas about Greek life as I do (a bit disillusioned but still willing to slave for it). He was part of the group when we went to somewhere and things like that.

I’ve known of him for a while as he’s my Sands but he co-op’ed a lot so he was never really around.

But these last couple of months…

Gotten to know him better.

Discovered another AMAZING spirit.

We like the same kind of music, have similar tastes, think of people the same way, and though we had upbringings as different as night and day, it’s just easy and refreshing, even regenerating to be around each other. I feel like I can learn so much form him because he’s very comfortable with himself and he has a deep passion for helping people to the point where he’s pretty much dedicated his life to doing so.

He’s very humble, respectful, passionate, chivalrous, very patient…

Which is really scary.

I guess I feel bad because I don’t trust people easily. I’m extra guarded and not as open as I want to be. It seems like I try to be funny or even more sarcastic or something to protect myself, but I can’t blame others or even be that way just because of something that happened to me in the past.

This is something new and different. And he is VERY different from the norm. Very unique. Very special.

But it really is scary though…he’s too good to be true…I mean really? His rubric score is truly 183? Could this possibly be…

But we’ll see.

In closing:

I’m really excited to see how both he and my other AMAZING friend will impact me.

Can you imagine ME being optimistic? Encouraging? Less abrasive?

That would be something to see…

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