Wouldn’t touch that with a 30 foot pole…

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Man I just don’t have anything to say as of late.

This weekend was spent in bed…sleeping…playing xbox…getting over sickness, etc.

I say professors should stay at home if they are sick instead of coming to class and making ALL OF US sick.

That ain’t right.

I don’t really have any observations for the weekend. Something is on my mind, but I’m going to do the whole wait 24 hours before I write about it…

Or maybe not.

What is an emotional affair?

According to about.com (lol):

An emotional affair is when a person receives emotional support and companionship from outside their committed relationship.


Here’s my question though.

How is that different from just being a friend?

According to dictionary.com:

A friend is 1. a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
2. a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter

I suppose the biggest piece of evidence would be if the “friendship” is a secret.

So I have this friend. She hasn’t had much experience with relationships. She had a boyfriend at one point…they were REALLY tight. I remember advising her to be careful because he was considerably more…shall we say…”experienced” than she was and I didn’t want him to corrupt her. OF course she didn’t heed me, but it seemed like they got along really well…they were inseparable. After a while they broke up because he moved but they still kept in touch. Eventually he got married, but they still talked on occasion. He’s recently started to talk to her more, and since he’s the only male paying her any attention she is very receptive to it…despite my reminders that he’s married now and she should probably not touch that with a 10 foot poll because it would just lead to badness…

She said, “we’re just friends. Just because he’s married now doesn’t mean we can’t be friends…”

But given their history…and the fact that they got to be so close, is that really “just being friends” or is that high risk emotional affair waters…

It’s a very interesting situation because it’s eerily similar to a situation I went through a while back. Dude wasn’t married, but he was well on his way. I had trouble figuring out what our relationship was at that time. It was as if we were both using each other for what we weren’t getting in everyday life. I suppose what made it an affair was that we relied on each other instead of relying on real plutonic friends, mentors, parents, partners, etc.

I feel like helping my friend somehow…I mean marriage is very serious…people would be ready to kill to protect it…like that astronaut lady…

I know how my friend feels though. I’ve been her. Nothing anyone will say will change your behavior. ..

Except the dude…

I remember the dude said something to me one day that brought me back to reality. It wasn’t at all mean or anything, in fact it was flattering. But it reminded me that he did not choose me, he choose someone else. I was good enough to be the side person, but not good enough to be the wife. It was almost as if he expected that I would do anything for him and it sobered me to realize that I probably would have.

The saying, “never make someone your priority when they only make you an option” was never more real.

I want to tell her that there’s someone out there that will love her and cherish her and feel the same way about her as she does about them, but the reality is that that’s not always the case. She may BE alone forever.

If she can get a few minutes of pseudo-love…

But I don’t want her heart to be broken and scarred…because it’s a mother once the honeymoon is over…

I’m not going to interfere with her situation, I’ve already talked her ear off about it. I guess I’ll just be there for her (and keep my phone on at night for when her “friend’s” wife goes crazy…might have to pull some Tae Kwon-Do out…)

That blows my mind though, why do people always blame the jezebel instead of themselves or their husband? CLEARLY that’s where the problem lies…

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1 Comment

  • March 5, 2007 at 10:35 am

    I totally agree! “The saying, “never make someone your priority when they only make you an option” was never more real.” You got an Amen out of me on that one! I myself have never understood why the wife/girlfriend would beat the mess out of the jezebel and not lay a hand on the husband/boyfriend. Shoot, not me! I may speak to the girl (cause you never know what lies she’s been told) and then I’d BEAT DOWN my boyfriend/husband. No questions, just a swift beat down and once I feel better, then we can talk! ummm that may be some of my anger issues talking (lol)but yeah, the brunt of the argument should be the spouse not the mistress.


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