One for the books…


Lessons Learned:
NEVER have “refreshments” on an empty stomach.
5 “small sized refreshments” within 30 minutes is beyond the limit of KaNisa.
Certain types of alcohol taste worse going down than coming back.
“Refreshments” + KaNisa + somewhat attractive male = Moderate “I want it willingly” behavior.
If one has had a stressful few months or so, one should be careful in how they consume “refresments”.
KaNisa can now officially say she’s made a significant check off the list of college experiences…

*sigh…hangs head in shame.

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  • […] (See last entry. I shall never refer to that incident again…) […]

  • February 26, 2007 at 4:14 am

    Yeah, I could have told you that one. Now my stomache starts hurting if I even think about trying it.

  • […] about returning to my alma mater for the Black People Ball. I went once, but…there was an incident so I couldn’t enjoy it. I haven’t decided yet though. It would be fun, but I’m […]

  • March 7, 2009 at 1:07 pm

    […] The last time I felt this way was Feb. 2007…Onyx Ball… […]


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