Inner Musings



Memories from the corner of my mind…

I was looking through old journal entries from some of my other sites today and came across some songs I haven’t thought about in YEARS. (okay well not really years as in an actual long amount of time…maybe like 2 years)…WOW has it been two years since then?!! Crazy…


You know that song Twelve Play by R Kelly? Well it has special meaning to me. The very first time I heard it…one of my favorite people in the world acted it out for me a bit.

I remember…I saw them in a completely different light that day. They were joking around I guess…I think they were looking for something and was absentmindedly going through some of the “steps” but it wasn’t really a joke…it seemed as if they were displaying a part of themselves I didn’t know. (Not to say they pulled their penis out or anything because I definitely…*cough cough cough!!!)

I always think of that incident whenever I hear that song and today it made me wonder, do you really know your friends?

I can say, I definitely act differently around certain people.

When I’m hanging out in the BSO (Black Student Organization) office, I’m pretty approachable (I think) and I might make a comment or two, but I’m not really trying to make an impact on people. I think I’m very superficial when I’m in there…just pointing out funny pictures on the internet or watching youtube videos…

When I’m hanging out with my friend of bad influence (I keed) I’m sarcastic, pessimistic, and brash. I think I try to be a shocking or more outgoing than I actually am…

To my roommates I’m lighthearted and a bit of a moocher…I admit it. Shoot, if there’s candy in the candy dish, I’m going to eat it! (But I make them bacon so it’s a trade off).

Back to the point though, the little glimpse of alternate personality that I saw in my friend that day made me wonder who they truly were. I wasn’t alienated or anything by what he was doing…on the contrary, I was like “DAAAAY-YUM…” and kind of wanted to hump on him a little (lol)

I wonder…what stops people from acting the same way around everyone. Is it that they don’t know who they are? Or are they chameleons who feel they have to change themselves in order to get people to like them?

I also wonder…what would happen if I were my true self around everyone?

Marinate it.

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