Annedunums & Such


Gamerscore: One. Seven. Six. One.

*Does a booty shake.

406 points in three days! It’s just to easy! TOO EASY I TELL YOU!

In other news…

Day was going okay until a few minutes ago when it turned into fabulous. One of my closest friends I recently went through a rough patch with called for a chat. I’ve been meaning to call her recently, but I never got around to it.

It was soooo nice. I miss her so much. Luckily she’s a hop skip and a jump away from Atlanta now so we can be in touch more often.

She definitely made my day though…yaaaay!

As for what I was thinking about yesterday.

I was considering why I started blogging in the first place. I remember my first blog was on blogspot back in high school. I used it just to write about what was going on in my life (which wasn’t much). Back in those days, I was EXTEMELY shy…did not say A WORD to anyone ever…I was the eat my lunch in the library…computer nerd….on yearbook staff person (the non-cool layout making part) you knew from back in the day.

I always wanted to be the witty pretty girl everyone liked and so I thought I’d start to write like someone who is like that . I started to be a little sarcastic and teasing, really just to try to get laugh from anyone who might be reading and make them like cyber me better.

I think though, it’s gotten a little out of hand.

If you read the entries now, you can definitely tell that the person writing it isn’t the most optimistic person in the world. In fact it’s become so bad, what used to be a persona has become my actual personality. I am EXTREMELY sarcastic to the point where I sometimes can’t even have a normal conversation without insulting or saying something cyncial to the person I’m talking to, ESPECIALLY if they’re male.

It’s like a male starts to speak to me and I immediately put up my dukes.

Someone called me on it a few weeks ago, but I was too “armored up” to really listen.

My mother says I have a lot of anger in me. I’m not sure why that might be. I mean, I guess but there’s no use in being angry about something you cannot change. Like for instance, my Family and Sexuality class opened my eyes up to the history of gender roles and I suppose I took offense to how the world has been handling itself up until now. For example:

Ultimately, the only time a female has control over her life is when she is single and out from under her fathers care.

A female does not decide when she is married or who her husband might be. That is totally dependant on when the male and when he is ready. If she does have a choice, it is only to choose between those who have chosen her first.

And then of course the whole notion of submission…

All of those things and more drive me absolutely crazy! It’s like, what in the world, why does it seem like women are second class citizens who are used only as a convenience for a male?!


I want a penis immediately!

(I keed, I keed.)

Actually, I guess that could be why I am so angry. I have penis envy. Or more broadly, I hate that my gender must submit to the wishes of the “almighty” male.

I suppose though that I should just accept that this has been the way of the world since Eve ate that dang apple, but my nature is to prove that I am worthy and equal to all that consider me to be under them. Since I unreasonably think that males believe themselves to be the masters of the universe, they receive my wrath.

But that can’t be becoming of a lady…especially one who secretly wants to fulfill all those gender roles with the right person driving (though you will never see me mention that again).

SO that being said…


WHEREAS, God will grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference,

RESOLVED, that subject will not punish an entire gender for the sin of one who was not even a member. Also subject will consciously try to become more optimistic.

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