*press fast foward


Have you ever wanted to fast forward time?

This last year of college seems unbearable sometimes. Everyone always says to enjoy these last few minutes of no responsibility, but to be honest, I’m kind of sick of it all. It’s too much energy to enjoy youth (lol).

I’d seriously rather be out in the world making money and living life in my own place with no one breathing over my shoulder in a parental sort of way.

I mean, college is cool for the parties and social life and everything, but for those of us that don’t value that…

Plus I’m itching to get away from people and practices of certain organizations that shall remain nameless…

I think it’s time for, that’s right.

A new sim movie.

Coming soon…


(For the uninformed, I used to make sim movies to document life and or how I wanted life to go. I would publish the signature movie of my simming career, but it might make me seem a bit pathetic given recent or upcoming events. Expect a finished product sometime this week.)

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