


I’m a little down today. Family issues I guess. I think being the youngest can be hard just like being the oldest or the middle child may be. The older siblings always believe that the youngest has it easy, but that’s never the case. Speaking as a representative of the youngest sibling, let me break it down for you older ones.

It’s a common stereotype that the youngest gets away with more. It may be true to some degree, but one benefit is at the expense of many others. I think, it’s not that we get away with more, we do the same things that the older siblings did the only thing is that parents have learned from the older children’s habits so sometimes what we do isn’t a big deal anymore.

In high school, my oldest sister was a social butterfly. She had a couple of boyfriends she had on rotation, had a beeper (when they were big), and was never lack for anything socialwise. In essence, she had pretty normal teenage years with parties and things, but she was the rebel of the family. I remember she had this one boyfriend, he was about four years older and had a kid. After finding out he had another one on the way during he year they were dating, she ended that one. Another big family thing was when she didn’t come home on New Year’s Eve. It’s a huge deal for everyone to be together that day so we’re never allowed to go to the parties our friends go to. One year, my sister went to a party under the stipulation that she had to be back by 11. She said, “F that,” and stayed out to spite my father. He locked her out of the house and put a sleeping bag on the front porch.

The middle sister was a different story. She’s always had really bad middle child syndrome that she always took out on me back in the day, saying things like, “I wish you were never born,” and other similar terroristic threats. She can be either really sweet or have a terrible attitude. My father says she wouldn’t get along with Jesus. Now that she’s older, her “I’m the victim in everything outlook” hasn’t changed much. Now she just blows things out of proportion in a cry out for attention. In college, she put out her woes by clubbing on the famous “Sixth Street” near the campus of UT Austin.

Both of my sisters claim that I’m the “favorite.” I really don’t see what that’s based on.

Most youngest children have to put up with what the older children never did, the over protectiveness. Once all that’s left is the youngest child, the parents try to do everything to them that they didn’t do with the others. When I was younger, my parents always practically had to have background checks on any potential friends before I could ride my bikes with them. After a while, people just stopped asking. Totally different case with the older ones. They were pretty much like, “I’m going to ride my bike with Stacey,” and be out. Same mentality continued with older friends through middle and high school. Oldest was crazy rebellious, middle had the same group of friends but wasn’t as out as oldest, and me chillin’ in front of the computer at home.

College. Oldest still out, but maybe not out as high school. She tore up those greek parties and dated Kappas, Alphas, all of them, and they all knew her by name. Middle gave up on black people and befriended everyone else, joining the football player’s support group and becoming a recruiter in her spare time.

Then there’s me. Carrying over what I know from middle and high school, I don’t really go out much, and don’t really care to. Joined up with AKA which forces me to represent the chapter at things, but I really feel incredibly uncomfortable at those. I really just joined for the service aspect. I could care less about the rest. Social college experience so far consists of my first two boyfriends, two semesters of AKA and about three years in front of my computer, enough parties to count on one hand, and I’ve been to the “club” maybe four times.

Because my sisters never came home for the summer, father makes sure I do EVERY summer, whether I have a job or not. Gotta show him my grades, can’t be out past ten unless it’s work related. It’s like I’m still in high school except I can talk on the phone longer…to who exactly?

Right no one.

It’s like giving a beautiful picture to a blind person.

21 years old but the baby of the family always stays the baby.

So older siblings, don’t automatically assume the baby of the family has it easy. Most of the time, they’re dealing with things you never even had to THINK about.

And that really pisses me off that my own bloodsisters talk about me so badly.

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