Family Reu-yunnn


Oh family..

Not too much controversy this year. It’s everyone vs. my cousin’s mother in-law.

This woman came in with her nose in the air and rolling her eyes at everyone…people were like, “who is that?! and does she not know who she’s messing with?!?!” (Pride is a HUGE thing in my family…) If she’s the same way again tomorrow, we’ve decided to beat her down.

Re-met a few cousins. This one cousin I have, she has the most FANTASTIC ASS/hips I’ve ever seen! She was straight up wearing them jeans! It was like BAYAM! I couldn’t take my eyes off her! I was sitting there jealous until we struck up a conversation. Then I asked her what she eats and how I can develop curves like hers myself.

She said it takes four kids.

I said never mind.

She’s only 34…her oldest is 18…


Cool people though.

(I’ll try to get a picture for inspiration though. I’ll eat if I can get curves like that…DA-YAM!

Let me eat some of this left over barbecue…

*booty and breasts, booty and breasts, booty and breasts (in moderation…)

Sunday was alright. My parents drive me crazy though. My father hasn’t been to church since my grandparents/his sisters made him back in the day so it always annoys me when he volunteers to speak at the family church. People are always like, “oh brother [daddy] is so well spoken…” and “what a God fearing man,” my mother and I just look at each other and shake our heads…

I also don’t like people who flaunt their money. As a family, we took up a collection. Of course he had to make a huge deal of presenting it to the pastor…like “the [KaNisa’s] family has money and we want to give it to the po chuuuch…” in my mind I was booing….

Then my mother…she’s diabetical (c) Madea and she still eats everything in the vicinity…and has the nerve to complain when her sugar is high! She’s telling everyone, “as soon as I cross the Louisiana border, my diet is on vacation…” shoot, her diet’s on vacation at home too! She says she want’s to see her grandchildren and live long, but she will not do anything to really make a difference in her weight! If she really wanted to lose weight, she could. And it annoys me so much that she thinks books, special drinks, and Tae Bo (done incorrectly) (while sneaking cake and other things she doesn’t need to eat) will make changes…

She would be like the BAYAM cousin if she just had a healthy diet and rigorous exercise…seriously…she was BAYUM, BAYUM, BAYUM, back in the day…

In other news…

I think that I’m extremely boojey ( i have no idea how to spell that so sound it out) my mother’s side isn’t as i guess…proper? as my dad’s side. And I find myself not wanting to spend time with them and think I’ll get hepatitis or something when I go to visit. (That’s terrible isn’t it?)

My mother is the oldest of 7, yet she was the only one out of all of them to be given up for adoption. She always was a bit bitter about that, but she turned it into inspiration to never be like her mother. All of her sisters were pregnant by age 16…all had some type of addiction, all were complacent with living dangerously. All of them are grandmothers and even great grandmothers who’s grandchildren can’t read even though they’re ten years old. The mentality goes back generations… my grandmother that I never met because she died of a STD was that way too…my grandmother even put her own daughter (my mom) in some dangerous situations with her boyfriends and mother still has reprecussions from those encounters now.

My mom was the only one of her generation to go to college, or even to be married indefinitely. She was also the first out of almost forever to be in established marriage before she had kids and even then, she didn’t start until she was 26 (she was married at 21..knew my dad since age 12). She never drank, never smoked, wasn’t fast (well she did have some “friends” but it was in moderation.) Her way of rebelling was being the opposite of the enviorment she was raised in.

When my sisters and I were little, she’d take us to visit her sisters sometimes, but after we were somewhere, an aunt got drunk and was cursing and beating her son. I was maybe 4 at the time and I remember it vividly because it scared me so much. I also remember that Motown Philly by Boyz II men was playing. That song and that aunt always make me nervous even now.

Now my mother always makes it a point to drag me with her when we go for visits. I won’t say that I saw people giving beer to 13 month olds. I won’t say that I saw my aunt running from her abusive husband and asking for opinions on how to kill him. I won’t say I saw an aunt consume four beers in the period of 1 hour…casually…

But man…such differences in how people are brought up and how they turn out.

Daddy’s side. Dirt poor, but hard working. Lived in the country. Had 100+ acres of land. All the kids were out working in the field as soon as they could crawl. Nine kids and two parents in a one bedroom house. Daddy was so poor, he’d go to school practically barefoot. However, more than half of them went to college, others were nurses, contractors, self owned businessmen. They also had children before marriage, but they didn’t use it as an excuse. Now all of them are quite well off due to the ideals they were brought up with. All VERY proud, all very hardworking, won’t accept anything but the best and what’s right. All in the church (except daddy).

Such a difference.

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