All This Love


Love can really change people.

I have an aunt, my favorite aunt in fact, that has a history of heartache. She made herself tough from it as a result, being distant and sometimes mean so people wouldn’t get close to her or hurt her…that was until she met Uncle Jay.

My favorite uncle, Uncle Jay was the perfect type of boyfriend/husband. He was the kind you read about in romance novels…or the kind in that song by Shanice “Every Woman Dreams.” He spoiled her so much both emotionally and materialistically…and he was just so nice…it was like he canceled out her bitterness with his love.

After my aunt met him, she really changed. She became more open, more loving. She was the family matriarch almost. It was always really inspiring to see them together. Her and my uncle’s relationship became the staple of what relationships should be.

A few years ago, Uncle Jay died of fast acting cancer. It was absolutely devastating to everyone, and especially of course for my aunt. She’d had to wait over 40 years to find the love of her life, and she only got to spend maybe 20 with him, if even that much. I went with her to see him before the Wake, and I’ll never forget the way she fell apart. She kept asking him why he left her. She could hardly even stand from her sobbing. She was just so utterly devastated and it was so heart wrenching to watch her and know you couldn’t help.

My aunt has a new boyfriend now. He’s cool and everything, but he’s no Uncle Jay. I think though, that even though there are so many trials and tribulations that come with being in love, you haven’t truly lived until you’ve experienced it. My Aunt will be forever changed because of Uncle Jay, and for the better. I can’t say she’s the complete opposite of what she used to be, (I mean she called my poor little cousin a “water head nigger”…lol) but Uncle Jay broke down her barriers to let people love her and let her love others.

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