That Sweet Funky Stuff…


That’s so nasty yet so funny at the same time…

One, two, three, four, feeeeiiiff…


Went shopping. There was actually a nice selection at the places we went although we still had to spend the rest of the rest of the afternoon altering the clothes to fit me.

Nothing much else happened today.

I got a call from work. Turns out Little Richard from the other day came by looking for me which is a little alarming. I remember him asking if I worked on Saturdays to which I responded I did, but I never thought he’d come back looking for me. I wonder what he wanted…

In other news…

I watched A Thin Line Between Love in hate last night. Chick was CRAZY!

However it made me think. What would I do if my husband cheated on me…

The words castration, alimony, and death come to mind…but mother says I couldn’t get away with two of those legally.

On the real though? That would make me so crazy from the betrayal. After waiting however many years not only for someone I could trust my vagina with, but for someone I could trust with my life or someone I would honestly give my life for and he cheats on for some desperate skank who can’t get her own man?!?!


I swear, he would have to remove himself for at least six months (especially if she isn’t cute). Shoot, castration and a jail term might be worth it…taking away the one thing that’s most important to him since obviously it isn’t his LIFE PARTNER…

The deal was “till death do us part right?”



Sorry ya’ll. Just the thought gets me heated.

Honestly though. I’d rather my husband/boyfriend just tell me if something is wrong or if some need isn’t being met rather than cheat and act like everything’s okay. I mean you can’t get a way with that for long, even if the cheating isn’t physical, a woman’s intuition always knows…

“The sweetest woman in the world
Could be the meanest woman in the world
If you make her that way
You keep hurting her
She’ll keep being quiet
She might be holding something inside
That’ll really, really hurt you one day…”

Till you do right by me, everything you even think about gonna’ fail.

along with your penile excursions…

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