Levels of Engagement


I have not reneged on my pillars, but I have adjusted the levels of engagement :

Old Requirement : Pillars of Peen Potential Trials must be completed with a score of 70% or better for each pillar before being considered for any level of engagement.

New Requirement : Level 1 engagement is decided based on a minimal score of 60% overall, irrespective of pillar type.

Layman’s terms : If you’re generally cool, we can hang out.

Old Requirement : Level 1 engagement includes relations and only relations. Those who start here, cannot graduate to Level 2.

New Requirement : Level 1 engagement includes relations related activities but no relations. The intent for this level is friendship with small benefits, and still limited to Level 1.

This is generally a friend you “kick it” with. You can hang out, sometimes do things, but it’s mostly friendly. They’re the person you’re “cool” with. Or that’s “your girl” or “your dude.” You enjoy spending time together and it’s comfortable, easy going. Fun times. (Pillar 5 in the 0-49% range) and or a Level 1-er

Clarification of Pillar 5 for Levels 2 and greater

There are people that physically affect you. This feeling is an urgent feeling you can’t control, the “if I engage this person, they’re going to hugely impact my life”…and you unconsciously know it. This is the person you either want to for real physically merge with (not even in a relations way, but in a spiritual way) or completely ignore them because you know being involved with them will be a big undertaking for you. This is someone who makes you feel uneasy or insecure because you know they can really see you. You can’t hide from them. And yes this is someone who activates really primal urges in you (because evolutionary biology says mating with them would yield strong kids because of their immunity profile). Thing about this person though? You can feel all this about the person by just being near them even if you know nothing about them at all. 

That is the real essence of pillar 5 in the 70%+ range. It’s not really relations based, it’s a soul challenge. That person is in your life to teach you something real about yourself. It could be a shorter term fling (Level 2) or longer term commitment (Level 3) but it’s a serious undertaking for your character…and that interaction is taken very seriously.

I am lightening up to allow more casual connections. Still would kinda rather not on the relations stuff in those (to be really real…if you haven’t done that in a while, it’s kind of painful…and I’d rather go through all that with a Level 2 person….) but auxiliary activities are cool with intelligent people who are open minded and don’t mind not doing all the things. I was very black and white with that before, all or nothing, now I’m all or some things.

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  • March 29, 2016 at 5:58 pm

    Your blog was down briefly and I was offered a Bing page full of related pages instead. Ended up here:


    I wonder if the ideal man you wrote about nearly 11 years ago in ‘Part II – My Ideal Man’ satisfies your pillars. That blog is gone.

    • March 29, 2016 at 6:15 pm

      Ah thanks! I do have the backups! Let me see if I can import them somehow…

    • March 29, 2016 at 6:31 pm
      • March 29, 2016 at 7:14 pm

        Thanks. Sounded very famliar, and that’s because some of it is here:


        (I wasn’t reading your blog way back then, but that post was linked to this more recent one http://andsoitislive.net/uncategorized/generations/)

        Your pillars are more refined and sophisticated now, they’ve evolved but haven’t mutated.

      • March 29, 2016 at 7:55 pm

        Oh gosh I saw you going through the archives like Nooooo! LOLOL!

        They’re way less based on surface stuff now I think. I think I was more vain then? Also way more lax on some of the other rules like religion and drugs honestly…

        I just loaded all the archives I had back to June 2006. Before that I was on moonfruit and that site is LONG gone…

      • March 30, 2016 at 8:52 am

        Don’t worry, I wasn’t reading the posts in the early archives. I was just finding my bearings . . .

        But, I’m not letting you off the hook so easily. Some blush for the cheeks.

        “I love being popular, even if it is pseudo…having five or six simultaneous conversations with lads that are actually aesthetically pleasing does wonders for a girl’s ego. I bring all the boys to the yard, lol.”

    • March 29, 2016 at 6:51 pm

      Also wow 19 year old KaNisa…just Wow.

      • March 30, 2016 at 8:54 am

        “Wow,” but also impressive.

      • March 30, 2016 at 9:02 am

        Noooooooo! I was young! I was foolish!

      • March 30, 2016 at 12:09 pm

        Will you say the same thing when you look back in 10 years at your blog-self now?

        Stay tuned.

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