No drivingest….


Something that hugely drives me up the wall? People who don’t use turning signals.

Like that IRRITATES me because I think it’s SO selfish. You don’t think of the other people around you, you just operate however you want and make EVERYONE adjust to you instead. Like truly no consideration for others AT ALL…driving like you’re the only person on the road.

It grinds my gears every time I see it, especially in moderate to heavy traffic…

On my way home from work today, I saw such a person drifting from lane to lane in pretty heavy traffic. They went by me on my left, almost clipped me weaving into my lane abruptly, then DID clip the car in front of me weaving into the lane to the right of us…all with no turning signal…in pretty heavy traffic.

They also continued down the road, not stopping though they knocked the other car’s light out.


This is me being consistent though. For all my posturing, I am very clear about my intentions when engaging with other people. I’m transparent, “I use my turning signal” if you will and calmly change lanes. People can ignore said turning signal or think I left it on accidentally and don’t heed that the lane change is coming, but it does…

So when I encounter people who are very “reactive shoot now apologize later” or people who literally don’t use turning signals in their cars, it IGGS me. All that means I don’t trust you AT ALL because you have give no consideration to your impact on others, and such a person is DANGEROUS…sometimes even life threatening!

Driving defensively is necessary, but dang it that we all have to have this guard up to protect ourselves from reckless people…what would the world be like if people were actually considerate towards others?

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