Audio Blog : Div.ersity in Tec.h


Odd moment talking to my parents on the drive home today. Debrief thoughts below. Recorded this in my car…hopefully it’s understandable.

Also on a self-awareness tip (pillars apply to me too) I think maybe my drive is fueled by an underlying need to be as competent if not more competent than a dude…because though my parents raised us to be very independent and self sustaining, we’re still “women” and not “fully capable” in their eyes. Even though all of us are now much more successful than my parents were at our age…

This is probably more due to the environment they grew up in, but still, ouch.

This layer of sub-conscious awareness also fuels my difficulty in trusting dudes, why I generally pay for dates and feel uncomfortable when dudes pay for me, why I feel like I need to drive situations rather than be a passive observer, why I ALWAYS question and test authority rather than just trusting things are handled…

I may even generally avoid relationships now because I don’t like the idea of a dude being able to facilitate me emotionally…

Explains a lot.

Anyway, here’s this.

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