

So as I mentioned in the last audio blog, not that I’m becoming anti relationship, but I’m kind of becoming anti relationship or more anti dating or dudes….I don’t know. All of it seems really messy and full of games and I’d rather not.

To further confirm this direction in my life, one of my neighbors who I’m pretty sure is married and also has a daughter or three not much younger than me just hit me up in a private message on social media. He called me sexy and asked if I was still in neighborhood.

I am disgusted.

I don’t know what it is about me that attracts people who are going through some personal issues in their lives.

I’m not sure if this is a trend among dudes or if im truly a magnet for such people…last hurrah before marriage, knocking while in unhappy marriages, foil for ex girlfriends,  I’m always a target to meet some personal need and it’s never really about just liking or even KNOWING me because clearly I am NOT the one for any of that foolishness.

It’s such a defense mechanism to be so anti dudes but I’m feeling a little weird that this continues to be the pattern.

I’m not your therapist, your self esteem boost, or a pillar for your identity. I’m just KaNisa.

Just let me be KaNisa.


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