Expectations vs. Reality


Being a realist really helps sometimes.

A scenario has played out in the last few days that has been a one in a million kind of scenario.

First, for context, the theme this year among all the stuff I’ve marathoned has been friends.

It’s been in the anime (Free, Kur.oko’s Bask.etball, etc.)

Shows (the only appeal of En.tourage)

Even the people I hang around…the white geek squad are all dudes/and chick who have known each other for years and they have gone through a lot together.

I really appreciate the structure of friend groups and how everyone has their place…something they contribute…how they support each other/fight each other/come together again in the end.

Sometimes out of necessity…or for whatever reason.

This weekend I took a picture on Instagram of my front porch. Pretty setting…great conversation space. Empty.

I was kinda sad because it seemed like everyone had a friend group but I didn’t have one of my own…and I made it a point to have one by this time next year.

I know I’ve said that before, but last couple of weeks have been generally rough and might have really kicked me into going after that idea for real.

Wonder of wonders, later that night, I got an opportunity…the once in a lifetime chance, to hang out in another friend group I’ve honestly kind of been envious of for years.

Easy thought would be I’m envious because of the person who is the glue who holds that group together, but honestly, I’m mildly envious of all friend groups . This one in particular is branded on ideas and concepts that really align with the way I think so extra punch there.

But yeah, for those of you who have read me for a while, you may have an idea of the “brand” I might be talking about.

Yeah THAT one.

Unbelievable right?!

So back to expectations vs. reality.

Honestly expectations ran true. Everything and everyone was how I expected them to be.

A job is a job is a job no matter how many people know about your job.

Happy to say the authenticity is 100% legit across all of the group.

Expectations re MY likelihood of strangulation of certain people…also true.

The most gifted people in the world…probably the most insecure.

The insecurity is what makes them good. They are all EXTREMELY self aware.

Sometimes to a fault.

Sometimes keeps them up at night.

Drives perfectionism.

Drives fear.

Drives loneliness.

Drives an idea that people don’t understand…

But despite this, they truly do have each other.

They each experience all these things…individually…but together.

They all feel pressure in some sort of way to be…something.

They all, again, struggle with that individually.

But they all struggle together.

Kind of reminds me of what it would be like to be online in the Black greek world…but instead they’re online for LIFE.

They are going THROUGH IT together.


2 nights of hangouts. Exhausted, but glad I took the time.

Everything ABSOLUTELY normalized regarding the brand.

Can’t disappoint a picture, wasn’t disappointed by reality.

But Envy still stands.

Each deserved a butt kick at some point in the past few days, but I’m sure they’ll all be fine.

Because they have each other.


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  • July 28, 2015 at 3:03 pm

    I totally understand this post. I too linger in the space of why don’t I have friends and then being bored of them. When I find a group, I tend to quickly get tired and I let it go by the wayside. In college I had a group of friends and it was awesome! But honestly now, when I do talk to any of them, although they are “successful” I find myself thinking, “I haven’t missed anything.” My all time favorite group of friends is from the show Friends. They are the best! They hang all the time. Their only downfall is the continual dating of each other. lol This youtube video by smoothiefreak is me start to finish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cf851wZEmXQ

    • July 28, 2015 at 3:45 pm

      Wow yes that video is perfect! I even have a blanket like that but it’s brown! Every weekend is like that too! Naps mostly Saturday and catching up on my shows on my tablet…in bed!

      Even my mom knows not to call me on the weekend…I won’t answer. LOL!


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