Be kind



That’s a strange word, isn’t it?

Kind (adj) of a good or benevolent nature or disposition, as a person:

Do you know any TRULY kind people?

Does that die when people become jaded self-protected adults?

I don’t think I’m kind, but I’m nice enough.

I probably come off as a bit brash and judgmental on here, but most of those thoughts stay in my head or come out as questions to confirm the waywardness of whatever I’m observing at the moment.

I’ve been noticing the formulaic nature of the way I process information in non work life. I really can be very machine like…like I don’t care, just give me ACCURATE information so I can make a decision. Context is important sometimes, but the result of previous decisions is still the same.

I always hate those “don’t judge me by my past” or “everyone’s human” or “nobody is perfect” excuses people use to justify their terrible behavior and redirect accountability.

OF COURSE you are your past! Your past created the person you are today. Your past colors the decisions you’ll make in the future.

Yes humans are humans biologically and sentient beings are born with the ability make decisions, some of which aren’t good ones, but lots of humans don’t do certain things either. Or even, if lots of humans participate in a behavior, that doesn’t make it okay. If something is cultural, that doesn’t make it right. If large swaths of people are wayward, that doesn’t make them any less wayward individually.

And finally, no, no one is perfect. But you still made the conscious decision to take the L at that time.


No one wants it.

As you know, misrepresenting yourself to mislead others for your benefit… BIGGEST pet peeve. It truly enrages me.

From trumping up skills on resumes, to stunting for attention, to presenting a facade to get a girl/guy….all of those things are the QUICKEST ways to make me dislike you IMMEDIATELY.

And people I don’t like sort of seem to not exist at all to me which I guess is okay for them…

But….yeah lots of misrepresentation going on around here….it is putting me on edge, for real.

It is def a weakness of mine to not be able to compartmentalize people…I’m like, I deal with you or I don’t…really need to be better about not totally discounting people.

But man…how do you partially trust people?

Is that a thing people do or are people somehow able to engage with people they don’t trust?

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