

I started writing a blog, but it was turning out to be reeeeally negative so I’ll just say…

I am currently rather unhappy.

I would rather not be doing work right now, especially since my only reward for being good is even more work.

I’ve been extremely irritated by people who can’t relate to the following quote, and have been anti-people more than usual as a result :

“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” – Aristotle

And finally, I’m tired. Just tired. Can everyone just forget about me for a while? Don’t ask me to do anything for you? Use google to get your questions answered? Figure out what autonomous means and be that?

I’m tired of being the one everyone depends on.

What about what I want? What about me?

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Being an adult is mostly lame…
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Sorry Guise…


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