

Currently on day 3 of a persistent migraine.

Day one wasn’t too bad. It was like a 2 or 3, and I managed it with a hair spa that included a peppermint infused conditioner. Gave myself a long head massage and was okay.

Day 2, it was back and increased to a 6 to 7. Wanted to avoid medicine still so it was ice packs during the day and icy hot (yes the muscle cream) for night time. More of a distraction than a cure, but at least I could sleep.

Today, still a 6 to 7, but with nausea and tummy troubles. I’m exhausted and my brain is just tired. I caved and took some medicine today, but it did nothing. I’m at work though.

Alas…being a woman is EXTREMELY overrated sometimes. My mother said this happens if you’re this old and haven’t had children yet. Something about excessive hormones that would have been regulated with pregnancy.

F that I said.

In other news…

Not sure if it’s the dreary rain or these migraines or what, but a little more moody than usual.

Horoscopes are extra annoying, they’re all “your career is about to kick in high gear…” I’m like is it ever NOT in high gear?

I mean I appreciate that I generally always do well there and get wins left and right, but what about the rest of my life? I sat and thought about it, and I literally have not had a non-work related win since April 2014 when I got that backstage pass for Mr. G’s concert.

Like nothing good or exciting has happened since then that wasn’t work related.

Not even exaggerating.

How dreadful is that?

I don’t even know what a non-work related win would look like right now.

Some dude was trying to talk to me this weekend and I was extremely annoyed that he interrupted my day. I had like ZERO interest in talking to him. Not his fault, I just didn’t want to be bothered.

By anyone.

Interesting conundrum…to want non-work related wins, and also to not be bothered by non work related things.

I’m also 72.8% sure one of my ex’s had some sort of anti-social personality disorder. Read a book this weekend, and it described him exactly.

I feel like being an INTJ dulls their impact though as we rationalize and communicate similarly. Emotional appeals are obvious as well as supposed intellectual ones because we use them the same way. Also similar in not messing with people/things that don’t bring some sort of benefit. Waste of energy.


…the difference though is that for INTJ’s still waters run deep.

It’s not that we’re not emotional, it’s more that we’re bad at processing them so they generally get rationalized and pushed to the side  … and come up later as migraines and ulcers. It’s not that we don’t care about things or people, it’s more that when we DO care, we care IMMENSLEY. The kind of care that is all encompassing and exhausting, so we’re selective about what we choose to care about. It’s not that we’re callous and harsh…


well we are that, but it’s not to be mean, it’s for your benefit. If we’re taking the time to tell you, it means we care for some reason or else you’d be wholly ignored.

But yeah….struggle Monday.

Powers that be, it would be nice to have a win or two. Lottery win maybe? Can that W2 drop and produce a larger tax refund than expected? Can Daddy pay for some stuff for the bug out of the kindness of his heart? Can I get a dream that DOESN’T have the theme of the world ending/being in college again/alien invasion? Can I get a whole month without a migraine?

Any of the above would be appreciated.


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  • January 26, 2015 at 12:17 pm

    Well that sucks. I get ocular migraines. I narrowed the cause down to sudden high physical exertion aka leg day at the gym without a proper warm up. I can only to try prevent them by easing into the workout. Anywho, see a specialist if you can’t shake it soon and I hope you can shake soon, like today!

    • January 26, 2015 at 1:06 pm

      Ocular you say? Interestin’.

      I did see a neurologist a few years ago to rule out serious issues after a co-worker found out his was caused by a brain tumor.

      I’ve apparently had mine since I was young though. They were abdominal migraines in the form of stomach bugs…then turned into regular ones in my teens.

      Thanks for the positive thoughts!


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