Late night musings from Rm. 108


I love my “roommates”.

Most nights, especially on ones when we know we have to get up early the next day, we stay up having philosophical discussions about the most random things…and of course when one is tired, one starts to speak about taboo topics that aren’t usually discussed in the light broad light of day…

And by taboo, I mean sex. Absolutely hilarious discussions about sex made especially spectacular by someone I will call “Keep it real girl”

I will give you a peek into our discussions, just because they are just too funny to keep to ourselves. We’ve been putting them up as facebook quotes, but I think some need explanations. Quotations will be direct quotes (from the best of my memory) from the girls.

Disclaimer: The topics hereafter discussed are not necessarily the opinions of KaNisa.

Topic #1: Women generally do more to keep their man happy.

Picture it: It’s a special night, a night that you know you’re going to get some good lovin’. To prepare, a male and female have different rituals:

“keep it real girl” said: “Men should be doing more to please their women. We be getting lingerie and everything all they think they have to do is wash they ass, Shit, I wash my ass too!”

Topic #2: Male preoccupation with pornography:

They say males are all about the visual. To help stimulate themselves, they supplement their “sessions” with video or picture images of naked women. Some believe this is where they get inspiration for their own escapades.

“Keeping it real girl” said: “…I wish a nigga WOULD ask to cum on my face! If he tried to do that, he’d never cum again!” “If it ain’t good, what would I make noise for? I ain’t boosting your ego for that shit!”

Topic #3: Premarital sex is bad. Or is it?

“What’s wrong with relations between two consenting adults?”

“I’ve been celibate for three years, but the first few months after I stopped were terrible.”

“Everyone does it. That’s why I don’t. I want to save it for marriage, but it’s the shame that one of the main reasons I want to do that is just to be different.”

“Sex is over-rated”

“Keeping it real” girl said: I only had sex three times and when I did, I felt so guilty I just kept hearing hymns and shit.”

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  • August 27, 2006 at 3:45 am

    […]  After the cookout I returned to my room to take a nap as a prophyte and I were attending a get together at an Alpha’s house. We drove out to Stone Mountain and really just sat and made commentaries on what was going on. I really liked that party, although I didn’t really do much, I like how when people danced, I mean they actually danced they didn’t grind. People weren’t “relating” it was just a bunch of people together socializing, dancing, playing cards, and enjoying libations. There were a few comments for the 108 memory book such as, “people who can dance are good at sex,” and some shady people were trying to holler, but overall it was a enlightening experience. […]

  • November 12, 2006 at 3:58 am

    […] It was also a 1(9)08 reunion. Random sayings should be added to the 108 memory book such as… […]

  • July 9, 2008 at 1:15 pm

    […] Like I’m excited about the social part of the weekend because I get to spend time with my favorite prophyte and best friend as well as my old roommates and my spec…it’ll be like old times in Room 1(9)08. […]


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