Wait, wat?


Somebody mentioned the concept of “Hall Passes” to me today.

Basically it’s a list of people, mostly celebs, you would be allowed to have relations with if you were in a relationship.

I’ve heard of the concept before, but I never really thought about it.

Not even trying to be lame, but I honestly don’t understand…

Like I’m a really realistic person…sometimes painfully so…mostly to the point where I underestimate myself, but still.

For me, as you know, I don’t really find a lot of value in looks alone…it’s not really something you have control over.

And the whole notion of banging someone you couldn’t possibly know based on the facade they present in public is weird to me.

I struggled to name a few people and honestly couldn’t.

For the celebs I admire, my mind doesn’t go right to relations, though the reason I admire them so much directly corresponds to their highly valued sperms in KaNisa-land due to whatever talents and tenacity they have.

My friend was like “it’s not about their personality”

Still doesn’t compute…

Maybe once in my life I had a visceral reaction to a dude where I responded to him and he didn’t have to do anything but sit there. That was about 10 years ago in college…and we didn’t even do the do.

Other than that, dallyings and such things were experimental.

I’m kinda of the “if science doesn’t say it’s necessary” (unconscious response to another person in THAT WAY because of some pheromone reaction) then I’d rather hold on to my cookies.

Not even necessarily to be chaste and all that but I feel like that kind of exchange shouldn’t be as casual as a handshake..

Too much trouble.

I feel like it would be more fulfilling if you got to know the person as a person first. Not their representative, but their real guts.

Not to see if they’re in it just for MY guts, but to see if their guts are real…and if they’re aware and accepting of their own guts.

Self acceptance is hot.

Relations after guts exposure would be like :

“I’ve seen all of you, but I still want to be with you in a way that might result in the creation of another person and I 10.5% don’t mind taking that risk because you’re so awesome there should be more of you on this earth….but I’mma still be on 723 different forms of birth control because I’d be disowned by my family and could not be about the single mom life with the job I have…among other things…”

Revelations of guts doesn’t even have a time on it either. It’s pretty easy to observe someone to figure out if they’re faking their guts.


Back to the topic though…

Instead of just boning celebs, I feel like I’d rather spend more time exploring their mental model, just the same as I would any other dude.

Relating to someone you know and respect inside and out seems like it would be intense.

If they are as willing to explore me, all the better.

There would be a real exchange there other than of bodily fluids…more life experience/soul stuff.

I feel like if you’re always honest and real about yourself and your intentions without any subversive…ness, it’s easier to be friends if it doesn’t work out. Your foundation is built on trust and realness rather than deceit and misdirection…

What was the point of this again?

Oh yeah…I’ll pass on the hall pass.

Study hall for me.

During free period.

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