Fisher Temper.ament Inventory

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Listening to Ted talks now podcast wise.

Was listening to one about “How We Love” and it included a Ted talk by Helen Fis.her.

Kinda long, but she’s and anthropologist and talks about how she’s the chief science person for I suppose she helps makes the questions and create the algorithm for meeting people…

She also made her own dating website,…same deal, but the “questionnaire” she uses is based on the Fisher Temper.ament Inventory.

Fisher distinguishes between four broad biologically-based styles of thinking and behaving which she associates with four broad neurochemical systems [8]. Fisher emphasizes that these are not “types” and that we are all a unique combination of all of them. The corresponding Platonic thinking style, Keirsey temperament type (according to some readers, not Fisher herself), and color can be seen in parenthesis.

  • Explorer (creative; Artisan temperament, yellow) = dopamine
  • Builder (sensible; Guardian temperament, blue) = serotonin
  • Director (reasoning; Rational temperament; red) = testosterone
  • Negotiator (intuitive; Idealist temperament; green) = estrogen/oxytocin

Signed up for two seconds just to take  the test and I bet you can guess which one I got…



(just kidding)


I also got 5 matches out of alllll of the members on that site, but whatev….

My secondary one was Builder.

They say I match best with a “Negotiator”.

Who knows really…I don’t now that I’ve ever dated an intuitive person…actually maybe Young Grasshopper was…

I was pretty okay with that one…maybe there’s something to it?

Check out yours!

(Of course I found this AFTER I signed up for and cancelled my account, lol…)

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1 Comment

  • May 22, 2014 at 12:41 pm

    Primary type builder. Mentions importance of secondary type without indicating which one it is.

    25 Explorer, 27 Builder, 24 Director and 26 Negotiator

    I can relate to all four, as I am sure most of us can (apart from internet trolls and their ilk), and would have been quite comfortable answering at least half the questions differently.

    Helen Fisher must have paid a pretty penny for the domain.


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