Life Goals Brain Dump


I met my last life goal before 30 that I have control over today…that’s kinda strange to talk about.

I’m really excited, but also a little sad…not to say I don’t have anything to work toward anymore…but in a way…

I mean when in school, it’s mostly graduate…and graduate with certain grades.

With work, it’s get to a certain level..and be a capability lead…

Also related to work…to make a certain number of figures…

And related to financials…buying vs. owning.

All that is now done, and honestly I feel really accomplished…but now I’m like, “what now?”

A car is whatever…I haven’t decided on what kind and it’s not like you work hard for a car…

A relationship is a goal you don’t control…or I guess you could if you settled, but I’m not about that life.

Maybe a travel goal? Still though, that’s not something you work toward…maybe travel to every continent?

It’s funny, I’ve had this fantasy in my head since I was little…like I’d go through 8 hours of intense pain to make my body perfect.

The funny part is, besides adjusting my face to be perfectly symmetrical, all the changes I would make are possible with just hard work and time.

I don’t care enough about how I look to do the work though…I probably should for health reasons…skinny is just as unhealthy as the other side…

But yeah…in a way I feel like things I’ve done have generally lowered my chances for a relationship…and the ones I’m thinking of would lower them even more (mostly more financial goals).

Though office mate says stuff like “would you WANT to be with someone who would feel weird about your accomplishments/take advantage of you because of your accomplishments?”

No…but I’d kind of prefer someone who had similar ones for lifestyle baselines…and that’s  what makes it tough….

Again not necessarily about being “successful”, it’s more about having similar expectations for life…a belief in a certain level of effort using avenues you know will return certain rewards…and a respect for delayed gratification.  A nobody owes me anything…if I want something, I’ll work hard to develop myself so I can accomplish the things I set out to do…kind of person…with similar level of performance that yields a lifestyle comparable to mine. (Basically work hard and have the ability to play hard whenever you wanted without breaking the bank).

In related news…

I’m starting to wonder if the amount of stress I carry around with me is normal.

A few of my work colleagues are moving on…most citing work/life balance as a big deciding factor…or low pay.

I talked to my dad about it…like…why do so many people move on from things that are difficult so quickly?

(Especially the low pay part…you can escalate that and they’ll work something out if you’re worth it…)

Between our rigorous upbringing, AKA, and Georgia Tech…the rule has always been “go above and beyond”. Like if you aren’t doing the most, working hard, staying late, taking on extra work…you’re not doing it right. Just “showing up” is never enough. (Especially at a place like Tech where just showing up MIGHT get you a D…)

But at the same time, when people do quit, I actually am not surprised and almost a little envious. If you have a full life outside of this job, it’s a lot to ask of you.

Sometimes even asks for lives…

But I think a lot of that is because of the person. People can only do what you allow.

For me I take on a lot because for the most part I can deal…I don’t have anything else to do. Not married/relationshiped, no kids.

I’m still young…it’s kinda like studying chapters ahead of the teacher so when the time comes you’re more than ready for whatever comes along.

I really approach all of life that way…rushing ahead to make sure there’s a cushion in case something goes wrong…building up good karma…a good reputation..a good nest egg….

But then what?

I don’t want to wish anything bad on myself, but what do you do when you’re ready?

What is the POSITIVE benefit of “being ready”?

Or what do you do when you are no longer motivated by fear?







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  • January 15, 2014 at 12:57 pm

    Two things I thought about reading this:

    1) On work life balance, although you’re single that shouldn’t mean that you get more worked dumped on you or taken up by you. You also need flexibility to pursue things like better health (yoga, exercise, etc.) and developing relationships outside of work. If you’re always working how do you get to the point of having a relationship, husband, children, etc?

    2) Dating/Marriage, will some of your accomplishments make it harder for you to date/marry? Maybe, but think of it as a weeding out process. Also I’m not sure what your stance is on IR relationships because some of the things you might be interested in may appeal to men of other races as well and that helps up your pool of available men. I’ve seen your awesome Cosplay pics, have you met anyone in that arena you’d be interested in romantically or socially?

    As usual, love reading your blog.

    • January 15, 2014 at 2:39 pm

      1.) Yeah…but isn’t it easier to cite work as the reason for not trying? Lol.. (Totally just kidding). I am trying though. The chick I’ve been hanging out with is lightweight obligating me to leave my house more…

      2.) I really am coming around on this. If someone non-black approached me and I was attracted to them, I wouldn’t fight it.


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