Late Mid-week Update


The last of the family left this afternoon and I have been left to my own devices.

The holiday went pretty okay, until the family meeting. There was an elephant in the room and what started out as a 30 minute, “here’s what I accomplished this year” report from each of us, turned into a 3 hour long lemon squeeze about the impending nuptials and how it would change our family.

Dr. Sister directly asked Daddy and I how I felt about it.

I went first.

Mostly all stuff I’ve talked about here before, main ideas being :

  • Projection/Insecurity – When I’m in my twilight years of fertility, would I settle for a less than ideal situation because I want to have kids and be married?
  • Past Behavior – I’ve always had an issue with her communication wise. I’m the baby. She’s the oldest. When she went to college, she’d never call to talk to my sister or I, always just our mom. I’ve always felt left out of her life, and now she has an actual reason to be even more distant…we’re her secondary family now.
  • Mistrust of dude – Like I said before, super side eye that you would ask someone to marry you while not knowing what you’re marrying into. Yeah it’s the one person you’re marrying, but it’s a bit like applying to and accepting a job without doing any research on the company values…
  • No secular celebrations of Christmas, Halloween, Easter allowed for her future family. Even Harry Potter is “evil”. Those holidays are HUGE institutions for our family…and she was a big fan of Harry Potter. I know marriage is all about compromise, but…

I don’t think the discussion between all of us was productive really…we all just put our thoughts out there for each other to hear.

Everyone else said they’d be okay as long as she was happy. After I directly asked her what she liked about dude and what made her want to marry him…and she did everything but answer, for me, it became less about whether or not she was happy, and more about whether or not her mind was made up. I stated that our family has super high standards when it comes to character, honor, work ethic, etc…and it was unlikely that anyone would be able to meet them…that it wasn’t up to us that we accept this person…it was up to her if she could live with her own decisions.

Like I said…the whole thing doesn’t make me feel better about this technically, but like I don’t want people dictating MY life and what I should do, I won’t do that to her.

If this is her choice, I have to respect that and try not to project so many of my fears for MY future on her situation.

Still scary though…I tweeted this last night, but as a younger sibling we idolize our older siblings. They are absolutely human, but…hard to come to grips with that in reality…

Had a super bad migraine this morning and my dad popped a blood vessel in his eye from high blood pressure from last night.

We bonded.


But yeah…I don’t know if things are better, but at least there are no conversations behind closed doors. Everything is out there now. Dr. Sister isn’t sad or mad or anything…she’s just extremely logical in how she’s approaching this. Marriage for some isn’t lovey dovey and flowers and candles and emotions…sometimes it’s just about providing structure and filling a role.

That’s totally okay if people choose to do that.

For me, I’m gonna need it to be more though…if anything, it just affirms that though my sweetness is understated and conveyed through acts of service and quality time, that doesn’t mean I won’t kiss him on the cheek as I ride by on the lawnmower on my way to cut the yard…that cheek kiss is literally my heart exploding with’s hugely genuine even though it’s such a small gesture…

Like I’ve always said, don’t need a provider, a fixer, no huge displays of whatever, it’s those small gestures, being there in our own secret society, understanding and assisting each other in private…while beasting life in public, lol.

That would be ideal…for me anyway.

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  • December 27, 2013 at 4:17 pm

    I know you said she’s approaching it logically, but there must be some emotion involved in it (the impending demise of her fertile years and wanting a family). Like you, I hope she doesn’t regret what she’s compromising for him. I can’t imaging totally abandoning all my family traditions for a man and not sharing those things I cherished as a child with my own child(ren).

    • December 27, 2013 at 5:08 pm

      Well…I mean we even talked about how she hasn’t said anything positive about him. Everything I’ve heard sends up red flags, and after saying that at the meeting, she STILL didn’t make it a point to say anything positive. Didn’t say why she liked him…or what made her love him…how he supports her…I asked her to tell us. It might not be her personality to talk about stuff like that, but she literally just spoke of 35 being the magic number for the most part…

      I gave an example that we are all very independent. We don’t need the traditional manifestations of support, we need companions that add more intangible support like making us shut up about work and helping us relax, or making sure we eat, or taking away the option for us to handle things we’d do on our own because they know we regularly overburden ourselves.

      She had a confused look on her face and said. “Yeah that’s why you get married.” And there was an awkward silence. (Dude is about 10 years older with a 10 year old, baby mama drama, PTSD, and doesn’t have a good sense of family. How’s he going to take care of her if he’s struggling that much with his own life? And what’s worse, sister is going to take all that stress on as hers because that’s what we do. She’s lost 16 pounds and her hair is falling out and the wedding isn’t until June!

      Everything about this makes me think it’s her settling into a marriage of convenience…but again, if this is her choice…

      • December 28, 2013 at 6:25 am

        Everything about this makes me think it’s her settling into a marriage of convenience…but again, if this is her choice…

        Where’s the convenience? From everything you’ve written, this seems more like a marriage of inconvenience.

      • December 28, 2013 at 6:39 am

        She wanted to get married. He thinks he’s ready for marriage. That’s the extent of it tho…

  • December 28, 2013 at 6:30 am

    Unusual theme. How did you make the tag cloud?


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