Experimenting with WILD


So fell asleep sleep around 9 last night for the first time in what seems like years.

I wanted to get up early and wash my hair before heading out. Going to a natural hair salon on Saturday for awesomeness, but didn’t want it looking like a mess.

So there I was, sleeping what I thought was a full night’s worth of sleep…and I woke up in a panic thinking I was behind schedule…I’d felt like I’d slept for a long time!

It was 1 AM.

Meaning I’d slept 4 hours and my body was so used to getting minimal sleep, it thought that was way too much!

I settled back in  and surfed the innanet on my tablet for a minute…felt rested and didn’t have any work to do for once.

I saw someone mention something about lucid dreaming and remembered that was something I used to try all the time.

Before, I usually used the binural beats to induce in the morning on weekends, but they were hit or miss. I think I waited until I was too awake for the most part so the tones just ended up being annoying.

This time though,  I thought I’d try WILD.

I’d heard about it before, but never really looked into it :

The Wake Induced Lucid Dream (aka WILD) is often considered the most powerful lucid dreaming technique for two reasons:

Lucidity On Demand – WILDs enable you to have conscious dreams whenever you want (as long as you’re in the right mental state).

Peak Lucidity – WILDs produce the most vivid kind of lucid dream because there is no lapse in consciousness from waking to dreaming.
Also sometimes known as the Mind Awake / Body Asleep technique, the Wake Induced Lucid Dream does exactly what the name suggests, catapulting you directly into the lucid dream state from full consciousness.

The WILD method can also generate so-called Out of Body Experiences, where dreamers believe they are literally traveling beyond their physical bodies to explore the physical world beyond. An extension of this belief is called Astral Projection, based on the theory of the spirit traveling beyond the body and through various non-physical planes. However, neither of these theories are scientifically proven, and many lucid dreamers including myself believe they are types of Wake Induced Lucid Dreams.

I side eye Astral Projection a bit, but read about how to do this anyway.

Worked on the first try!

Though of course because I’m me, my dream was WAY too literal and reasonable…

I’ll explain

Basically with this kind of technique you are 100% aware of everything as you fall into sleep. It can be a bit unnerving because there are a lot of strange things that go on you wouldn’t normally notice.

Like for me, I already had staying absolutely still down as I do that when I meditate, but this time, because I was focused on staying conscious, I also noticed a LOUD ringing sound, my own voice talking to me (not in the way you think, but actually hearing your voice speak…it was strange), my legs tingling, jerking, then literally going rigid, and seeing pictures…I don’t entirely remember what they were…just that it was a woman with a child on a red background…and the picture was rotated to the left.

The dream I had was also the Astral Projection kind. Like once I hit REM, I “woke up” in my guest room (I’m sleeping in here just for a change). I didn’t move at first because I wasn’t sure if I was awake or not…then I tried to move and it was hard. I kinda rolled slowly back and forth on my bed, then got up.

Of course the plan was to instigate a DG dream, so I tried to fly through the wall (didn’t work because…me), then went downstairs and out my front door.

Flew warp speed to LA.

Decided that it would be best to have a party and have him come.

So I organized the party…found a cool house that overlooked water in the Palisades….

Then promptly did something that made me drop out of the dream…I don’t know what I did, but it was abruptly ended somehow.


But still a really cool experience!

I might try again this weekend or something, if I don’t wake up in the middle of the night tonight.

I don’t know that I can really create a real dream that I’d like though…it’s like I’m far too cynical to think that my dreams will come true…so it’s hard to imagine.

Like I don’t know what being head over hills for someone feels like…or what it feels like for someone to be head over hills over me…so how do you make that happen in a dream you know?

That’s why I feel like what you can do in lucid dreams is limited by your own experience. 

Especially if you’re not really a “dreamer” per say…

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