What if…

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What if you had a countdown clock that would tell when you’d meet your most compatible soulmate?

What if slavery never happened and Africans immigrated to America on their own?

What if electricity was never a thing?

What if ghosts were a thing and you could communicate with them whenever you wanted?

What if there are an infinite amount of parallel universes where you exist, but have made different choices?

What if you had a  twin that looks just like you somewhere on earth?

What if divorce was illegal?

What if fornication was illegal?

What if you had to pass a test and obtain a licence before you could have relations?

What if everyone believed and practiced relations for creation purposes ONLY?

What if attraction toward the opposite sex only happened after certain needs were already met satisfactorily? (First two levels of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, minus relations in the first level of course. Though I think that’s arguable anyway…)

Interesting things to think about. Kinda cool to be a sociologist…though my field is more focused than this (study of people and computers). Maybe one day I’ll explore these ideas in blog…

In the meantime, these movies/books need to happen.

And if they exist already, please let me know!

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1 Comment

  • August 20, 2013 at 8:44 am

    What if there are an infinite amount of parallel universes where you exist, but have made different choices?
    String theory says it is so.

    What if you had a twin that looks just like you somewhere on earth?
    See the film, The Double Life of Véronique.

    What if divorce was illegal?
    Fewer marriages, more domestic violence and spousal homicides?

    What if everyone believed and practiced relations for creation purposes ONLY?
    If infant mortality rate and life expectancy were low, then we’d be living in a sardine can?


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