YAAAWWWNN…*smack smack


Little bit sleepy right now…little bit tired.

Got a lot happening right now in life, none of which is too good.

Most recently, it seems that the infamous “ex” will be in town this weekend. We tentatively set up a rendezvous Sunday morning .

It’s interesting…when I got the message that he’d be in town I felt absolutely nothing, which was good. I’m sure a few months ago I would have been all excited….but now I’m feeling incredibly indifferent.

I’m hoping that seeing him this last time before he gets married in November with finally close and seal that chapter in my life. I can finally say that the last time I saw him, I wasn’t in love.

And I can finally say and believe, “don’t know nobody want you, [insert name here]!” lol…

And that’s something I thought I could never do.

History of that situation


First Loves


In other news…

Things are full as drama as usual.  I was mad for the better part of the day, and even wrote out this long rant to be posted here but I just gave it to God. People will be ignorant and immature and I have better things to do with my time than worry about something I can’t change. I’ll just keep my dignity and act like a big girl unlike some people…

But yeah, that’s what’s going down.

I think I might get me a nap…

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