

Nothing much to report.

Fam came this weekend. 

Mother’s birthday was last week and her sister came for a visit. They jaunted up to Atlanta to go to Pappadeaux and spent the night at my house.

Actually pretty helpful, I needed a reason to clean the house for real, and this gave me one. Been so busy, I preferred my “free time” to be spent sleeping and relaxing instead of doing more work.

House is pretty organized and tidy now…even deep cleaned the fish tank!

I also took out my twists because I had about 1.5 inches of new growth since they got put in a month ago and they looked raggedy. Tried to do crochet braids to give the appearance of long hair before my mom’s visit, but I’m not good at corn rowing my own hair…

Opted to do a bantu knot out instead. Didn’t do the spirals right, but it looks okay. She liked it and didn’t notice the length.


Car is living on a prayer

Noticed some transmission slippage in the past week or so. I thought it was just due to it being cold…like trying to drive without warming it up, but it was something more. After an almost tragic trip to pick up some barbecue this weekend (blinking neutral light, check engine light, and serious transmission slippage), I escalated the issue to my dad.

Turns out the transmission fluid was low.

Took the car to the car parts store to check the error code after putting more fluid in. It reported a legit malfunction.

Putting around today to see if there’s more transmission slippage…if so, FML because a solenoid problem is pricey to fix. Otherwise, just going to have them reset the code and hope the new oil fixed it…

I’m ready for my simple engined vw to be ready man…bump all this new-fangled automatic transmission stuff…

Homeownership maintenance and thangs

I have a leak out of one my vents. Called the a/c guy out to look and he said it was a plumbing issue. Emailed my builder to ask for water diagrams and he said they’d send someone to take a look. Pretty sure I’m out of warranty, but I noticed they’re offering a 2 year warranty for the homes they’re building now. (I’m at 1.5 years)

Since the previous oldest owners in the development are moving (to Chicago) I’m now the vet. Will hope for the best that they’ll fix it fo free (or for a low price). They should also look at a window seal link and a broken cabinet while they’re here maybe…and the garbage disposal fail that just happened last night…

Girl is kicking back in again

I’m [insert emotion here] to report that I think my interest in dudes in starting to come back after a 4-5 month hiatus. It’s not any dude in particular, but I saw the movie Chapp.ie and got eyes for a one Hug.h Jackman. Beefcake isn’t usually my type but was in this movie for some reason.

Also previous prototype examples of “type” are becoming attractive again.

I probably won’t reference said people directly anymore in that capacity as the world is too small and I have too much pride to admit I like specific dudes, but your steeze is noted famous person who probably knows I exist but likely isn’t checking for me like that.

Still can’t do the fantasy thing though. Reality continues to ruin my life/stunt my capacity for imagining non-realistic things.

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