Today’s Observation


Nothing too much going on today. I’m about to hop in bed to nap in preparation for tonite’s festivities. (There is a foozball game and get togethers following.) We made a sign for my line sister that’s on the dance team. Must always represent.

In other news…

Today was a day of observations.

1. Though it was 50 or so degrees this morning, this dude was out by the bus stop in shorts, a tank top, and flip flops, freezing his testicles off. Then, he had the NERVE to turn his head and cough on me! I was like, “HAIL NAW, really?” Take your diseased behind over there. I’m not getting getting sick because you’re not appropriately dressed…

2. In one of my classes, my professor is somewhat attractive. She has a nice shape, legs all the way to somewhere far away, and a substantial chest. This one shifty eyed, overweight Caucasian Persuasion dude was just staring today… I mean he was looking at her chesticles like he wanted to go *boogty, boogty, boogty in them. He was also sweating profusely.

It was uncomfortable.

3. I’ve developed a full blown crush. It’s actually been a passive crush since freshman year, but today I think it escalated. “KaNisa,” you might ask, “exactly kind of guy would have a crush on? You seem like you’re so picky.”

Well let me tell you. This guy meets every standard I have, even the revised edition.

1. He is Godly
Though we do not have the same religion, or even the same broad religion (i’m protestant, he’s not) we still both have Jesus. He is not perfect, but God is still quite an important factor in his life.

2. He is at least two years older than me
I just have a thing for older people. I don’t really get along with people my age, or at least they annoy me a lot of the time with their hipity hoppity music and club hopping.

3. He dresses well
My definition of dressing well is being comfortable in business casual or, a nice collared shirt and jeans that aren’t sagging, or a maybe t-shirt and belted jeans that aren’t sagging…I don’t agree with matching t shirt, hat, sneakers, or sagging jeans.
4. He is educated
He goes to my school and is perusing a degree in a math/science field. Not to say this field is required, but I do require that education is a priority in the male’s life

5. He is Sensitive (in a manly sort of way)
This guy I admit is quite sensitive. We’ve butted heads a few times because of this and because I can be insensitive at times, but I admire him being aware of other people’s feelings and being very aware of his own. AND HE EXPRESSES THEM. This is the factor I think I like most. He can express his feelings instead of keeping them bottled up.

6. He is Loyal
This guy. Loyal to the bone. He won’t even give a female a full body hug if he’s in a relationship. I mean, other females do. not. exist. Seriously. I like that. I am the same way.

7. Similar life goals
This male and I are similar in some respects, but not in EVERY respect. Last guy 85% similar this guy between 40 & 60%. Similar enough, but room to learn new ideas and perspectives

8. He is attractive
I mean in the biological way. I mean “I have to sit on my hands if he’s anywhere near” way …like today in this meeting got dang! I mean in the “I get around him and the eggs in my ovaries start singing his name and doing the Harlem shake” way…

9. He is focused
This guy will not be led astray from his goals or beliefs. Trust me. They have been tested. Once even by me. And the situation is an embarrassing one that I want to be forgotten and never mentioned again…

10. He’s a good guy
He’s so nice. That can be mistaken for lameness sometimes for some people, but he is nice in a gentlemanly way. He’s a gentleman in every since of the world.

11. He is aesthetically pleasing.
I know I said he was attractive, but then I meant in the I want to propagate the world with your seed because the world needs more people like you kind of way . This time i mean, about 80% of females would also find him attractive. He has these amazing…

It’s an unfortunate situation though because I honestly can’t stand to be around him for the previous 10 reasons. It’s like there’s an aura of something and he just makes me feel so uncomfortable. I think it’s because out of everyone I’ve ever met, if he truly focused on me in a romantic way, I don’t think I could stand by my vow of abstinence. I mean honestly he has the whole package and no one I’ve met ever has.

Like I said before, if I can trust you with anything and you truly are the prototype, it’d be over. I’d fall hard and want to be bonded to you in any and every possible way. I’m not even on the lust tip, I mean deeper…

But yeah…

I’ll just be content to observe and imagine. Everyone’s crush is always an idealized version of who the person actually is. At least I can count on good dreams for a while… LMAO “[insert name here] you’ve been had. And a lot more times than you realize…”

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We be Clubbin’


  • September 22, 2006 at 1:36 pm

    Lol, at the dude freezing his testiciles off. It must be a white thing cause I swear Betsy and Susie wear flip flops and biking shorts in the winter! This sista here is wrapped up! Hat *check* Peacoat *check* Scarf *check* Gloves *check* It’s no joke!

    Also, I have one of those crushes wandering my campus also. *gazing away dreamily* Pure torture! lol

  • October 5, 2006 at 8:07 am

    […] Not much going on in the realm of “life” (academia and organizations not withstanding). Parent weekend starts tomorrow so Tech will be all pretty itself up and pretend that it’s an upstanding and supportive environment for a few days before returning to the offensive institution we all know and love just in time for midterms. I think it especially amusing that the poster child on all the literature for this weekend is our newest token black person. Though, he is quite easy on the eyes and my personal caliber of male (referenced here) it seems like they chose the most Caucasian friendly black person to represent the black population… Light skin, light eyes, and if you ever meet him very articulate, friendly and non-threatening. Though if they knew what I knew about him hoo boy, yes sir…lol… […]

  • October 20, 2006 at 10:36 am

    […] I feel just a little bit uncomfortable. If you remember, I made mention of this dude I’m kind of feeling a few weeks ago. The thing that was unique about this dude was that although he makes me a bit flustered when he’s around well extremely flustered actually, I’ve never actually had a conscious sexual thought about him. For most crushes I would be like, “Yeeeeah, I’d have him here, at this time at this place, at this time LET’S GO!” But this dude to me was so above all that, I definitely admired him more for his personality though he is extremely physically attractive. […]


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