I beeee on it


All night and I be on it all day
Straight up, if you want me you can find me in the

I am exhausted.

Lately sleep has been a luxury. With all the papers, projects, and meetings, I feel like there is no time. We also have a step exhibition next week so with 5 am practices after getting out of the last practice at one the previous morning I feel like we’re pledging exhibition…

I think I’ve gotten about 5 hours of sleep since Tuesday…alas….

Not much going on in the realm of “life” (academia and organizations not withstanding). Parent weekend starts tomorrow so Tech will be all pretty itself up and pretend that it’s an upstanding and supportive environment for a few days before returning to the offensive institution we all know and love just in time for midterms. I think it especially amusing that the poster child on all the literature for this weekend is our newest token black person. Though, he is quite easy on the eyes and my personal caliber of male (see entry here) it seems like they chose the most Caucasian friendly black person to represent the black population… Light skin, light eyes, and if you ever meet him very articulate, friendly and non-threatening. Though if they knew what I knew about him hoo boy, yes sir…lol…

In other news…

The Lesbian, Bi-sexual, Gay, & Transgender Pride Alliance is sponsoring Coming Out Week this week. I always do my best to support them as they are a minority here and get discriminated against just as much if not more than the colored people at Tech. I’m sporting my supportive buttons and helped out at thier festival as a represenative from the Greek council. We had literature about what to do if a sorority sister or brother comes out, places you can go for help, and questions greeks can ask their national headquarters about homosexual tolerance. It was amazing how many people just walked right by the Pride Alliance members like they weren’t even there or like being a homosexual was contagious, especially since it was in a position where almost every Tech student has to walk through.
Sometimes on campus, an outside organization will come in and protest homosexuality. They carry signs like “Homo sex is sin” and a dude on a bullhorn says how homosexuals are going to Hell and other similar offensive things. I always want to stand on my box with my bullhorn and say, “If that’s so you’ll be on the next train down for being so judgmental. Even Jesus gave people a choice in believing in him, why can’t you?” I heard someone say something similar, and the protester rebuked him too for being so tolerant.

Heaven forbid…

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Yes sir Mr. Thicke. Yes sir.
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How Sad…


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