Hair Chronicles: The Takedown


It is 2:30 in the am.

I am sitting under a hooded dryer with conditioner on my hair after spending 7 hours taking out my twists.

I was going to wait for the weekend, but I decided to just get it over with.

So far my only fear is that I won’t be able to untangle my hair in certain parts…I thought maybe if I condition it well first it may not be so bad so we’ll see.

I think my hair did thin out though…either that or I was so used to the thick twists, I just have to get used to my own hair again.

This will be a loooong night…

ETA: It is 5:45 AM.

I lost a WHOLE bunch of hair, but I guess that’s normal since my head did the normal shedding thing for about two months and there was nowhere for the hair to go.

On the plus side though, I have two inches of 100% non chemicalized KaNisa hair…and even more in the “kitchen” area!

I figure I’ll cut an inch every month until I’m all me.


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  • March 26, 2008 at 7:57 pm

    yay natural hair!!! i’ve been thinking a lot about making the transition myself, but i’m not sure if i can go through with it. we’ll see about that in a few weeks/months though…

  • March 27, 2008 at 5:43 pm

    March on to the goal! :-) I gotta wash and retwist mine this weekend! A litte over two months strong in the locing department! Time flies when you’re having fun!


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