Girl Talk


Warning : Seriously, this is girl talk….as in female plumbing talk so….beware

So dropped Depo as BC. It worked great, had no issues at all, but they say not to take it longer than 5 years and I was coming up on year 5 so…

Also thought every little bit helps regarding dudes and Depo decreases pheromone production so…

With Depo, you don’t have periods…at all.

I haven’t had one in almost 5 years!

Which I didn’t mind at all…no migranes until re-up time every 3 months (vice weekly) and no super long cycles (it was like 3 on 1 off instead of 3 off 1 on).

So yeah things were great!

Now I’m about 5 months post my last shot and it’s wearing off.

They say it takes a year for things to return to normal, but I’m getting familiar rumblings in my lower tummy area….not sure if things are trying to start up or if it was the chili I ate yesterday. (Lol)

I never really got cramps, but some of these twinges…holy moly!

Teleworking with a hot pad today…

What else do people use for cramps?

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