Just another manic Monday


Sisterly Relations

Good visit with middle sister this weekend. We ran the streets on Saturday.

Hit up ReStore to see what we could see…nothing really. But I did see a window that I could use to make this table for my front porch. Might go back and get it. :

Window table

I watched her try on bridesmaids dresses at this place from tv she wanted to go to (bleh…300 bucks for what’s essentially a high school homecoming dress?!)

Went to Papapdeaux (she loves that place)…

Went to Garden Ridge for more random stuff. I got this for my foyer :


And a set of these dishes for 8 placements. Sister paid for these as a house warming gift.


Got my hidden blade for my costume…

Got an av cord extender for my turntable from Beatlab in Little Five.

And we headed on home. She’d never seen Grand Theft Au.to so I played some for her.

But yeah good visit!

Interesting how you fall into your sibling role when you’re hanging around them. She was unwrapping and stacking dishes while I geeked over and unpacked my hidden blade, lol.

Soaking the dishes now though so I can get the price stickers off.

Social life ramping up

This weekend is going to be SUPER busy! I’m exhausted already!

So Thursday’s Halloween…I’m thinking I might get a costume for Nisi so we can pass out candy together. Might improve my dexterity with her arms and making her talk.

Friday, Ender’s Game with my nerd friends.

Saturday a luncheon with Sorors for homecoming, another neighborhood meet and greet (different neighbor this time), party at a G9’ers place, and another neighborhood party.

Sunday’s the last day of the Pow Wow at Stone Mountain Park. I would totally go before then, but have 0 time. I hope there are still a lot of events and things left in the marketplace!

Man if I don’t come out of this weekend with at least 1 plausible dude prospect, I quit!

Photoshop your pics without Photoshop!

Was feeling myself a little last week and was too lazy to hike up to my office to do edits. Made this :

Using an app on my tablet called Cymera.

For Android

For iphone

Here was the original :

Other non-edited outtakes :

That last one is scary!!! I look like both my parents so much…yikes! CREEPS. ME. OUT!

Me and Nisi!

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  • November 4, 2013 at 4:01 am

    I don’t think that picture is scary at all. Now, the one of you and Nisi, well, that’s another story . . . by Stephen King!

    • November 4, 2013 at 5:04 am

      Yeah…I’m still getting used to her myself!


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