The Big Sweep

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I’m sitting here buying groceries online (thank ya Safeway) and I am realizing that groceries are getting EXPENSIVE!

There is no reason that a week’s worth of groceries should cost 150 bucks!

I mean, I might as well eat out every day! It’s cheaper!

I really haven’t gotten much…

For Breakfast:

Pancakes (with hashbrowns and sausage)

Fruit Loops

Blueberry Muffins

For Dinner:

Soft Tacos


Catfish (with green beans and mashed potatoes)


Chocolate Chips Cookies


Smoothie Stuff (bananas strawberries and apple juice)

Fruit Roll Ups

Dr. Pepper

All that! 150 bucks!

. . .

I remember my mother paying less than that for a family of five back in the 90’s!

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