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This weather is killing me!

I am a human barometer. I can usually tell if it’s raining or muggy outside before even looking because I will almost always have a migraine. F’in sucks man…

In other news…

In a follow up to that last entry about groceries, check out this website.

It has pictures of different families around the world with all the food they eat in a week. I was absolutely AMAZED to see the differences by country.

For instance, the Breidjing refugee camp family of 6 (Sudanese refugees from Dafur). . . spent $1.23 on a week’s worth of food.

The Shingkhey Village family (a Himalayan nation between Tibet and China) spent only $5.03 bucks…and they were 13 people deep!

But the family of four from Bargteheide, Germany spent $500.07!

Just goes to show…you CAN be full and healthy if you eat the proper foods. According to the pictures, the family with the most junk food also had the most amount food…and the family with the least amount of food had the most healthy food…

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