Wtf man, WTF?!


That didn’t take long….

You remember that drink I mentioned a while back called Coca.ine? Well the conservative big wigs finally got wind of it and ordered it to be taken of the shelves.

From CNN:

“Our goal is to literally flush Cocaine down the drain across the nation,” said Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, who announced the company’s agreement with his state Monday. “Our main complaint about Cocaine is its name and marketing strategy seeking to glorify illegal drug use and exploit the allure of marketing ‘Speed in a Can,’ as it called the product.”

Clearly, the drink doesn’t actually have drugs in it. It’s a facetious name, bishes.

That is so annoying…that’s why I can’t be a conservative. They are always trying to impose their morals on everyone else. We HAVE to have religion in school because EVERYONE is a Christian. Gay people CAN’T get married because the BIBLE says so. ABORTION is BAD because killing a baby is MURDER. We SHOULDN’T use babies who would have died to SAVE thousands of people from incurable diseases because…I can’t even think of anything to follow that one…

Kiss my left pinky toe, man…

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  • May 8, 2007 at 11:06 pm

    Hey, just wanted to drop you a line on your blog. I saw your user name on Hannahnanah’s blog and I decided to be a biter… sorry

    You ain’t right. You will pay for your plagiarism upon your return. Repeatedly. Over the course of a day or so. Prepare yourself…

  • May 8, 2007 at 11:19 pm

    Why does it hafta be your PINKY toe? Huh? I swear y’all pink and greens work my nerves…Hmph.

    Whateva, whateva! Don’t hate on the 1908!

    BTW, I didn’t know you were back in the blogsphere! Yay! I hope you read down the page a bit, there have been updates on life. That old situation I needed your help dealing with is completely and utterly in past…which is great!


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