Ridin Diirty


I seem to have a large amount of traffic for this entry today. I usually wouldn’t mind, and would even be happy about it, except a lot of the visitors are coming from email links and I’m a little unnerved.  If someone would kindly inform me of what the onslaught of traffic is for, I’d greatly appreciate it!


‘preciate it!

It’s cocaine in a can baby!

Cocaine in a can

I was reading a newspaper with my mentee this morning and came across this new drink called cocaine. It’s an energy drink that has more than three times the amount of caffeine as Red Bull!

Drink Cocaine.com

Video about Cocaine

I’m not even sure how that’s even healthy for me to drink. I’d be afraid to take even a sip of that stuff with my tendencies toward migraines when I drink too much caffeine…

and I’m mad it’s called Cocaine…

In other news…

I never realized the social commentary present in that song “Ridin Dirty” by Chamilionare until my Technologies of Representation class today. Usually when the song comes on the radio I just change the channel but when we watched the video today in class and I was forced to actually listen to the lyrics I was somewhat impressed. I guess some rap these days do have a social message behind it. I will not stop and listen for one in all songs though…(especially that chicken noodle soup with a soda on the side song…)

As for this weekend…

Good times.

I ended up dragging my ls to the party with me and we had great fun. Us along with the Alphas, and a Delta and a few non-greek people, repped for the Georgia Tech Blacks. I wish more came out though. Alot of people here are so ignorant about latino people…almost as much as some white people are about us…


The party itself was pretty deep for a student center party, usually they don’t have good turn outs but Lamda Upsilon Labmda brought people from everywhere in the country. People were strolling like their life depended on it! I was like, “whoa! Is it that serious?!” We took picture of the silhouette of everyone holding up their signs…it was really hot I’ll post it when I get a copy.

The music ranged from the Atlanta mess and New York hip hop to the more ethnic Latin music. One dude took it upon himself to teach me how to dance some of the Latin beats, though I do believe he took a few liberties. I’m pretty sure none of them involve straight up humping. I did learn how to dance to Chaka (I think he called it that). I was out of breath after dancing to some of those songs! They went on forever!

Me and my ls were pimpin’. I got a little concerned when two of the best (and cutest according to her) dancers came up to us and asked us to dance as I didn’t want to look lame, but if the person leading is strong, you really just have to follow and not do too much of anything.

Saturday was such a fun day. I learned so much, hung out with some excellent people, and even got closer to the local Greeks. I love the Phirst Pham love especially!

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Is that what’s cool in the world today?


  • November 8, 2006 at 8:36 pm

    I just wanted to stop by and show you some love for writing what you did about the weekend we organized. As a proud Brother or Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. I’d like to thank you for expressing your thoughts. It’s a compliment to us when people can voice their appreciation for our hard work.

    As a Latino based organization we share a lot in common with the Black Greeks. We are both part of minority groups and share similar struggles which is why the unity that was displayed last weekend was so special.

    We planned to this event in order to gain exposure at Gtech. We are the first Latino Greek Org in Georgia and want to show everyone want we’re about. We hope to make this an annual event and maybe next year we can partner up with more Black Greeks to make it a even better weekend.

  • […] remember that drink I mentioned a while back called Coca.ine? Well the conservative big wigs finally got wind of it and ordered it to be taken of the […]


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