It’s Friday!


Lots of things happening in the world of KaNisa.

Area I: Relationships

I know not to get my hopes up about anything as most of the time it never amounts to anything, thus I am adamant about remaining superficial in most relationships potential or otherwise. Regardless though, I almost have someone to look forward to talking to now, so good times in that not really good times sort of way…

My friend who’s visiting mentioned in the aforementioned entry may be moving back to Atlanta. I’m definitely glad of that, although I kind of wonder why people have such a problem with moving away from home. Maybe I’m just weird for wanting to strike out on my own, but it blows my mind when people want to stay close to family, or not be more than a few hours away. It’s like, why can’t you strike out without a safety net and be completely independent? I’m sure it’s scary, but lots of people do it and adjust. It’s especially interesting because the people I know that are that way are pretty outgoing anyway…

Area II: Academic Pursuits

I’m reading this book called The Celestine Prophecy. I heard about it while on the trip to Morehouse; the professor said it was the type of book that altered you way of thinking about things after you’ve read it. She also said you can look at a person and tell whether they’ve read it or not. I was a little weary of reading it just because I’m already paranoid about life, and then the fact that a book could have that much of an effect on someone is a little scary, but I got it anyway. I’m on chapter two.

Nothing much has happened yet.

Well I suppose I should go to class. Don’t really want to because it’s the most boring class ever, but…

Each of us must do something every day
That we do not want to do
But know that we should do
To add strength to our backbones
And iron to our souls.

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