Calm Down P Peeps…


I just have to say. I know I talk a TON about P on here, and I have a specific tumblr for such things, but I like to stay full of love and light over there, for the culture.

This is my blog though and I DO WHAT I WANT here.

SO yesterday an article was posted about the new cover story of Pepo magazine. It’s a feature on May.te Garc.ia’s new book about her time with P.

Admittedly first time I heard about the book I was like “Why, that’s what I think of May.te, why?” (Quote from his 3 Ch.ains O Gold direct to video movie). I legit was salty about it as a fan is about their celebrity crush.

Also fiercely protective of P though again…don’t know him from a can of paint.

Blame cognitive dissonance.

For me I grappled with wanting to read the book as I felt it was going to be super invasive and nobody’s business…but at the same time I’ve read a ton of biographies about him so how would this be different?

Also, the article on Pepo didn’t help. It was SOOO personal and sensational I felt a little sick after reading…for wanting to know and to pry.

I had my personal opinions about this woman, but I also recognized I had no place to have any at all because I don’t know her. Don’t know him. Don’t know what they had. Don’t know what they shared. Don’t know what they went through. Also I recognized that all my feelings about her were based in envy to some degree despite the above.

One thing I don’t like just in general though is the hate his associates get because people project so much on them without being willing to accept the reasons why they care so much. The most polar people are all still real humans with feelings…and during their time working with him, they did EXACTLY what he told them to do. If you take issue with someone’s dancing, or raps, or collabs, blame P because he was gassing them up as their biggest cheerleader and their boss…and was probably writing their music…and dressing them…and overseeing choreography…

So yeah periodically someone in the camp does or says something and the fam erupts with scandal and overthink and controversy. Everyone is generally still upset about him being gone, so they are ripe to #react and look for reasons to cry and be angry.

The articles about this book coming out in April have been Moltov Cocktails truly,  scandalous headlines, “juicy tidbits”, jarring out of context quotes, half truths for clicks….just…horrible.

People are cyber bullying this woman now. Tearing through her character. Judging her out the wazoo…being truly cruel like she’s a person on a tv show or fodder for their entertainment and not an actual human person.

I reblogged a tumblr urging people to be easy on his people as I tend to do whenever stuff like this spins up, and someone reached out. We talked for a bit and they mentioned they had an early copy of the book. I of course wanted to read it…and did.

And again, everyone is whining about nothing. The book is truly HER memoirs. It’s about her. P was  a huge part of her life, yes, and a good bit is about her time with him, but it’s from her POV. She doesn’t speculate about him at all, only legit tells her side of the story. It’s not even a “he made me feel” type book. It’s a “here’s what happened” thing.

The context of how she came to his world helped answer a lot. You hear the stories, but it’s not the same as hearing it from the source.

She’s not as “damaged” or “poor girl she was a child” or anything of the sort like we all thought. That chick was a professional dancer with money in the bank at 16…like…she had 100k in her bank account that she earned in her work when she came to him…and didn’t really need him at all for the type of dancing she did.

She is quite smart and had sass and wasn’t a pushover. She was of her own mind. (Really all of his associated women were this way. Not sure why it’s so easy for people to think otherwise…) I cackled at how she responded and checked him on occasion.

There was only one part where I was like “did you REALLY have to say that,” but other than that, she won me over, truly.

The book is well done and not worth all the ridicule it’s getting.

And P…I’d seen comments from others who have read it early and they said people, women especially, would have a time with how he was depicted.

It all depends on your perspective.

I ADORE Fairy God Boyfriend.

But I also know (without knowing based on of course stories but I truly TRULY feel like I can say this…my intuition just says so…)


But the reason why that doesn’t bother me is because it truly does come from a pure place.

He LOVES women.

He LOVES love.

He can’t help it.

It’s not even a chauv.inist P.UA thing (though the same tactics are used). It’s that he legit loves women of all types, can find the beauty in every single one, and knows how to make them all feel beautiful, wanted, and loved.

Issue comes when people believe it’s impossible to maintain multiple genuine connections. I truly think he was capable of doing so and he had a ton of love to go around.

I don’t fault him for that at all. I think it’s BRILLIANT!

Teach me professor!

You are INSUFFRABLE, but still…GOALS lolol….what a guy…

And how brilliantly consistently good he was at it throughout his life! Having all these women thinking they were the special one, and they are! Truly! Each special! In their own ways!  Every single one of them had a real and deep relationship! Even when they co-existed in his world. It’s remarkable.

He’s brilliant.

Just let him.

Also I 100% get how he dealt with the babies.

I’m the same way…I don’t know how to be there for people who are depressed and end up mostly avoiding them…not talking about the bad stuff… I’m all about being solution oriented to get through it. I don’t wallow at all…see no point in it.

If I’m upset about something, I bury it and keep on keeping on, usually burying myself in work. For me it comes out as headaches and stomach ulcers, rather than behavior (like oh I don’t know, relations with randoms or a deep dive into religion to make sense of what’s happened to me) but still not healthy either probably in the long run.

So no…perception of him not changed. If anything, more #same.

Everybody else though, good luck with this book.

How you take it says more about you than her.


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