In Other News…


The Taurus burst of strong emotion thing is real. Had a volcano moment earlier, but now I’m straight. That was literally months of frustration right there.

I’m not sorry.

But in other news…

Decorated for Halloween yesterday!



A short and furious storm impeded the progress of the skeleton bandits, but they were retrieved and replaced this afternoon.

I also ran a bunch of errands yesterday.

It’s almost time for open enrollment…we get free money ($350 for singles, $700 for couples) for doing biometric screenings. It’s just height, weight, glucose, blood pressure.

I’m a bastion of good health besides being underweight, but I like to think I’m doing well as my fast weight is 91 pounds, an improvement of 7 pounds from last year.

I also thought it would be good to have pillar papers on file.

As you might remember, Pillar 6 of the Pillars of Peen Potential is “Clean Peen”.

I do require the 10 panel peen tests…and since I had HSA money to spend or lose, I used it  for that. Can’t require of others what you haven’t done yourself an all that.

I got mine from here.

Kinda pricey, but results came back quick. Went in bout 2 yesterday, got results exactly 24 hours later.

The report is also a bit confusing to look at, it’s not just “negative” there are apparently thresholds.

But I’m all clear!

I feel really bad for people who have things. Thankfully, most of them are curable though.

Get your p’s tested! Know your status!

Proactively protect your p! Require papers of others!

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