The High Price of Going Organic


This is a prime example of the media’s attempt to control American thought…

Against my better judgment, I was checking out CNN to see if the world was ending (I always hold my breath ready to see headlines like “terrorists attack DC” or something since I’m right next door) and I came across the aforementioned headline.

Way to keep Americans obese guys….

I mean honestly? I’ve been buying more and more organic food over the past few weeks, and though it is more expensive, over time I’ve been eating less. You might remember an entry I did a whole back about the weekly spendage of people around the world?

Remember how I pointed out that the people who ate the healthiest also ate more natural food which ended up being not a lot of a food at all? They weren’t skinny either! Check out this family of 12…All this food for $5.03.

The people who ate the least healthy had processed food…and a LOT of it. Weekly budget for a family of 4? 500 Bucks!

Would you rather spend a couple of more dollars and live an extra 20 years or “save money” and spend 20 years of your life with cancer, diabetes, etc?

I tell ya…

The headline SHOULD read, “The High Price of Processed Food!”

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