You can find me in the BED


Took a lovely nap this afternoon. It was about four or five hours long.

Well I guess “napping” for that long constitutes, sleep, but I just say nap because it was during the day. I’m so hungry though. I’m the last person that should be skipping meals, but I don’t really want to spend money on food. All I had yesterday were some blanched green beans (yes the vegetable repertoire is opening up a little at a time) and some brownies. Now I’m making breakfast for dinner. Pancakes and bacon.

Since the actual NPHC Council was chartered 15 years ago, I thought it would be a cool idea to have a huge NPHC Reunion. We’d invite prophytes from way back in the day to come back around homecoming to bestow knowledge on their neos (by comparison). At the NSBE convention, I met a lot of old school Ques from my school, which was even more interesting since we don’t have any on the yard right now. They were telling us about the time when the K’s had a house where my apartment building now stands. I guess some things never change, for the past two years at least, there have been the greatest number of K’s living in my building.

In other news…

I’m so proud of my spesh. She’s graduating this semester and has been working SO HARD lately. She stays involved in many organizations, even as president of some. She stays up all night working on school work…in the lab until all hours of the morning…and still makes it to programs during the day…AND still maintains a great GPA. She really is a superwoman…even though I’m sure she’s gotten about an hour of sleep this whole weekend, she’s flying out to California to present her research.

And the crazy thing is that she’s only eight months older than me! But she seems so much more mature and well put together…

I want to be like her when I grow up…

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