Yo Lips!


Note: I’ve had a lapse into my old personality minus all memories of any drama. This is how I was before about October of last year…back in the carefree days. I’ve decided to write as much as possible before I return to sad KaNisa so enjoy my true personality that only a few know. (Shout out to Nina; you know this side of me! Wasn’t I cool back in the day?!) “The real me” entries started with “Do You Remember?”


Is it bad that I want to kiss someone who’s not my boyfriend?

I’m sure you’ll say no, especially since I don’t even have a boyfriend, but consider this question as posed by me, an innocent virginal 20 year old who has only been kissed by two males in her entire life.

This topic might seem a bit random so let me tell you why I even had the thought in the first place:

Earlier tonight, I tuned into BET to prepare for my nightly viewing of Comic View and caught the last couple of videos on BET After Dark. Now normally, I would change the station because you just don’t want to hear about love and all that crap when you’re in a situation like mine, but tonight videos like “Faded Pictures” and “Put Your Woman First” were on so it was actually bearable.

After watching for a while, thoughts of being in a dark room learning new kissing techniques from a random cutie while being serenaded by BET After Dark started to enter my head. That wouldn’t be bad if it actually happened would it? I mean it’s okay to steal away for a nice “make out” session with someone who won’t expect anything more than that isn’t it? I mean….I just want a little kissing going on, nothing more…you can take care of “jr.” later by yourself right?

We don’t have to be exclusive, you don’t have to be my boyfriend, we could just be two attractive young people who occasionally date/kiss on each other, but not be exclusive. Kind of like the “honeymoon” stage of dating without the actual title…

I’m too young and pretty to be in a serious relationship, AND I’m beginning to think I’m becoming commitment-phobic, but that’s not so bad is it? Seems like everyone is these days…

So in summary, if you meet 80% of the physical requirements of the last entry, are free of venereal disease, and can handle just being kissed on without anything too intimate going on, then let me know.

I feel that I am not kissed enough and plan on rectifying the situation in the coming weeks…I’m not even joking…seriously… my number is 555-….

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  • August 4, 2005 at 12:47 pm

    LOL….Yes KaNisa I do remember those times. I am so glad you haven’t made me use the ‘P!’ in a long while. HAHAHA good times

  • August 4, 2005 at 12:48 pm

    I forgot to say this…I sincerely thought you were cool then and I still do.


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