

So now that I’m settling up here, I’m trying to find things to get involved in. I’m really interested in anthropology and sociology of the African Diaspora so I’d like to get involved in non-profits that are focused on that. You would think it would be hard to find, but not so much! I found the Institute for Kemetic Guidance in DC and was happy to learn that Mr. Anthony Browder founded it! I called today about volunteer opportunities and the lady said they wouldn’t have anything until after Easter, but when I mentioned my skillset, that I’d read of few of Mr. Browder’s books, and that I’d be attending a lecture of his soon, she was more open to talk. We’re going to meet up at the lecture, and I’ll even get to talk to Mr. Browder himself!

Look out world! I could be doing research that’ll be credited in your kids’ textbooks!

The world. Aint. Ready. (For real…it really isn’t…)

In other news…

The snow/ice has returned.

Snow/ice is SO MUCH MORE fun when you’re young. All you do is ride in the car to and from school and play in it when you get home. For the grown, it’s really just a pain. That last ice storm we had was especially terrible! My car was encased in a giant ice cube at least an inch and a half thick. It literally took 40 minutes to chip off! I already got bad circulation…I’m surprised I didn’t get frost bite!

Black people really aren’t made for cold weather…

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