

It’s the weekend!!!!

I never thought it would come!

THESE past two weeks have been the longest weeks that have ever LIVED!

Averaged 11 working hours per day last week…

Went home last weekend to see about my mother (she’s sick… was a helper..cooked, cleaned, etc.)

Averaged 12 hours per day THIS week…and my car broke down when trying to leave the office last night around 9:00…didn’t get home until about 10:30.

My manager came in today and asked if I was okay. He approves my time sheet and was concerned about me burning out.

It’s actually how I usually work to be honest. I might be a bit more high strung this week because I didn’t get any rest last weekend, but I always have worked those kinds of hours…just not in the office.

On my last project I was able to work from home, so 10-12 hour days just because…and because I have a “work until it’s done” mentality.

That “turn off work mode after COB” doesn’t compute with me. I’ll be thinking about it if there’s something “still on my desk” and THAT actually stresses me out…knowing there’s something I could be doing when I’m not doing anything else anyway.

Priorities will definitely change when I have a family, or even when Frog gets down here, but for now I’m all about the job…

User Advocate

Usability Evangelist

Motivational Team Lead

Axure Extraordinaire…

*flips cape

But yeah this weekend? I’m at a stopping point waiting on requirements from our customer so….

A whole lot of mindless entertainment that doesn’t involve doing anything for anyone but ME is on the way!

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  • March 17, 2012 at 12:08 pm

    I am not surprised. If I was looking to gather talent for a big business venture, I would try to recruit you. It wouldn’t matter if you lacked specific experience. Your commitment, common sense, creativity, and acumen get the job – a job – hands down. I’d hire you first, ask questions later.

    What symbol is on the cape . . . ? Do you prefer working at home or at the office?

    • March 17, 2012 at 3:17 pm

      The cape has a seal that says “Beauty is not only screen deep.”

      I actually do prefer working in the office, or really just THIS office. It’s a 15 minute ride from home and typically a lot of people stick to the 9-5 model. I just sometimes get pulled into a meeting at 5 that ends up being an hour or more…then I make updates to whatever we met about. Before you know it, it’s 8!

      But yeah, I only prefer working from home when I truly can get the job done there and don’t need a lot of input. Too many meetings with this client to do that efficiently.

    • March 17, 2012 at 3:26 pm

      I also don’t get how other people aren’t that way…work ethic wise I mean. i could understand if you have like a family and stuff, but…I don’t know…

      The person who benefits from the type of applications and websites I work on are people who really need help. Sometimes it’s life and death. It’s their mental health. It’s the difference between having money to eat for their families or not having anything. It’s them knowing how to pay for college in order to get more opportunities for themselves and their families. Me putting aside a few hours simming to help improve someone’s quality of life is something I’m happy to do.


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