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1. Any person in a position of wealth and power regardless of skin color, who acts only in self-interest or in the interest of his close friends and business associates to further their own power and assert control over more and more people.
2. An ignorant White Anglo Saxon Protestant

I’ve been having frequent encounters with whitey these past couple of days. As a black person at a predominately white institution, it’s common to be subjected to ignorant or passively racist comments made by fellow classmates. Two situations in particular are giving whitey ample opportunities to display their ignorance.

Situation one: Picture it. Atlanta 2006…

Upon entering my Marketing class, I noticed a stack of articles on a table by the door. Thinking it was another boring case study about some product gone wrong, I didn’t really pay attention to it, that is, until my professor explained the class activity, to split up into two groups; one side of the classroom was to be part of an activist group who frequently campaigned for minority rights, the other was to act the part of a brewing company. This issue was the introduction of a new malt liqour that had 5.9% alcohol (most malt liquors are around 3.5%). The beer was called “Power Master” and in turn was targeted toward African American and Black males.

My question is, why was the activist side more racist and offensive than the executives? Here are some of the “activists’” comments:

– “First of all, the term “Master” is racist.. It indicates slavery and therefore is a derogatory product name.”
– “You say that you give money to the UNCF. Giving money to these people is counterintuitive because they’ll spend the money that would have used for college to buy alcohol.”
– Said by a female whitey: “My dad came from nothing. Both of his parents had cancer and died when he was young. He was really poor and everything, but he went to school, got accepted to Yale, and went to Georgia Tech. Now he’s the vice president of Verizon. If he can do it. Anyone can.”

Mind you, all of this was said by the activist side.

Profitability vs. Ethics.

Winner when class was polled if the company should pull its product: Profitability

Situation two: African American Culturefinal projects:

The thing about this class that bothers me is the same reason why one of my friends doesn’t really like Boondocks. It’s cool to talk about racial issues within your own race, but when you open it up to the public, are people watching it to gain insight about black stereotypes or to perpetuate them by observing them and not taking it for what it really is.

Here are some of the projects:

Georgia Tech Greek Organizations = Should they be integrated?
Thoughtful, but really? You spoke of two organizations, are you sure you really know why they were founded and why they answer to your question is no?

Language in African American culture
Now this project was actually quite interesting. They had a survey, gave it out to various students of various races and gender, and interviewed them. Of course, there had to be a whitey. This time she was female:

Question: Do you change the way you talk others when you’re around different races?
“Yeah. I try to assimilate, I might be like, ‘yo’ or ‘holla’ so black people can relate to me. I mean…oh, did you hear the one about what Snoop Dog washes his clothes with?”

I tuned out the rest of what she said after that one…

President of College Republicans sues Georgia Tech

The Georgia Institute of Technology is the latest university targeted in a string of lawsuits filed by a conservative legal group alleging that campus policies deny conservative students their right to free speech. Read the article

Basically they’re complaining that they can’t have bake sales that have varying prices based on race and the Gay and Lesbian groups have free reign over whatever they want to do.

I can see her point. What the College Republicans do shouldn’t be limited as there is such a thing as free speech, but on that same token, there’s a big difference between consciously acting in a discriminatory way and living your own life despite the fact It may not be accepted by everyone. The College Republicans also protested the Vagina monogloges when it came to campus, saying that it was vulgar and pornographic. I wonder how many of them have actually seen it though, they might have some harsh words, but it really is about female liberation and a commentary on sexuality. Iit seems to me that they are the biggest supporters of repressing people’s freedom of speech…

In other news, here’s what’s happening around Tech:

Campus Crime:

Dude takes Oxytoxin pills and gets a little anxious, Hubcaps are stolen from a campus golf cart

Traffic jam: A man threatened to jump off of the Tenth Street bridge Monday, shutting down northbound traffic on the Downtown Connector for over an hour. The man gave up his attempt at 11:30 a.m.

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1 Comment

  • October 13, 2006 at 12:20 pm

    […] So recently one of the students that filed a lawsuit against the school as we previously didn’t have total freedom of speech rights. I wrote it about here. […]


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