

First I would like to THANK GOD ALMIGHTY BLESS HIS HOLY NAME! For allowing two of my professors to believe in grade curving. One professor allowed me to have an A while the other allowed a very tough B. May you both live long and prosper.

Now I need just one more grade. Since I got at least one A, I can afford a C somewhere, although I would preferably not have any at all. I’m pretty sure my third class is a B, it could be an A, but I’m pretty sure it’s a B. My fourth class though? I never went to get my tests for fear of failure. I mean I don’t think I did too badly on them, but I really have no idea what that grade might be because I never went to look at any of my grades.

In other news…

Went on a job hunt today. I submitted applications to the following stores:

Rue 21

I don’t particularly want to work there. After opening my mind up to the following stores I thought the others might be more beneficial.

Victoria’s Secret

Although I’ve heard horror stories from people that work here, they do get great discounts and I am a regular customer.

Body Shop

Also a regular customer here and at Venus Swimwear their online counterpart. The manager there looked like a hater though. She took one look at where I went to high school and college and sent me a "i bet you’re saddity" look.


How cool would it be to work in a game store? I mean, since I’m getting an XBOX in a couple of weeks (woot) I’ll have employee discount access to both computer games AND XBOX games? The world isn’t ready. I’ll be straight GHOST with all the gaming all be doing…

The manager looks like a Chester too. It’s tough being this cute.

Circuit City

This could potentially be as "bad" for me as Babbages, I mean, working at Circuit City, I’ll have access to discounted electronics and computer accesories…

but daddy, I NEED this liquid cooling computer console!

perhaps it’ll be even worse actually…

So yeah.

I have an interview at Babbages Wednesday. We’ll see how it goes.

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