What’s Your Fantasy?

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Thought I would jot something down before taking a nap and returning to work.

I’ve recently developed a purely superficial schoolgirl crush on a certain artist that is having a concert here in the ATL on Thursday. Unfortunately, despite much effort in trying to find a ticket (it was sold out weeks ago) I will have to miss my opportunity to impregnate myself.

Okay that was a bit TMI, but I’m just sayin’…

Let’s explore why this person has such an effect on my reproductive system.

Ladies and Gentleman I present to you,

Mr. John Stephens (aka Mr. John Legend)

Quality Gonads

Even though he was born in the lame state of Ohio (BOOOO) he is extremely intelligent and has had a substantial educational and professional background.

A couple of quick facts:

Played piano since the age of 4.
Salutatorian of Springfield North High School senior class at the age of 16.
Has a degree in English/African American Literature & Culture from University of Pennsylvania
Worked for prominent New England consulting group
Came second in a “world’s best dressed men” list in Esquire
His First cousin dated my sister. Sadly they broke up and ruined my chances for copulation.

The thing that impresses me most about this man is his swagger. He has every right to be arrogant, but seems to be incredibly humble. That is so sexy to me…extremely intelligent/talented humble people who dress well.

Makes you wonder even more what they’re like when they’re…you know…doing…things…



With that being said, I would like to thank my maker for creating such beings, and Mr. Stephens especially. I would also like to thank the parents of such beings for getting freaky on those nights to produce such talented offspring.

And to Mr. Stephens, you could get it anywhere, anytime, anyplace. My number is 555-GET-ATME!

Thank You and goodnight.

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1 Comment

  • November 28, 2006 at 10:08 pm

    Hey Soror! If you are looking for a ticket, I’ve been looking for someone to take my ticket off my hands. As much as I’d like to go I can’t. But glad to see it could go to a fan such as yourself. So if you would like to acquire it, hit me up.


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