What Your Name is? Part 2


Work wasn’t too busy today, not sale wise anyway.

I guess a girl working in a video game store is a bit rare. I was told I was beautiful/pretty three times toady…

Situation One:

While looking through the neighbors crap high school yearbook (I’m qualified to say such things, I promise. I was section editor) I noticed a dude of the Caucasian persuasion that had recently come in the store looking for Pauley Shore movies. I saw him in the store today and said…"Dude, do you go to so and so high school? I saw your picture in it the other day…Justin right?" and he was all, "yeah I remember you in the store the other day too!" We had conversation on his friends’ quest for the Pauley Shore movies and he left shaking my hand and saying "stay beautiful."

Situation Two:

An old man also of the Caucasian persuasion came in with his grandkids. I helped them pick out things and managed to "help" them buy about $150 dollars worth of stuff. He stared at me the whole time I was helping. As they walked away from the register, he told the kids "thank the pretty nigger lady."

Situation Three:

Rapper from the other day came by. I silently cursed myself for promising to give him my number if we ran into each other again….especially when I noticed the half smoked cigarette behind his ear and the scent of weed…and I don’t mean poison ivy. I don’t have to answer though right? Next time I see him after not answering I’ll have to say I’ve been busy working and whatever else. Then he’ll just get tired and leave me lone.

Random situations:

My chest has been popular today. Most customers were focused on it instead of my face. It was interesting. I took a tally. Out of 38 males, 34 of them made chest contact including my boss. I caught myself looking down to see what they were looking at myself. The 4 that didn’t look didn’t know what a chest was and what it might do to that strange snake between their legs.

Some random girl came in talking about some game I didn’t really care about. She was the nerdy I like anime such as "list random anime I’ve never heard of and proceed to explain the plot twists for ten minutes." I nodded patiently and tried to keep my eyes from glazing over.

My boss decided to divulge his recent home troubles. It really is a shame what happened, but dude, when you said you were having family issues, I didn’t ask because it’s none of my business so no need to share.

Man I sound like such a beech…must be the surge of testosterone from my "favorite" time of the month…

Onward thoguh…

At work I’m known to be the innocent one because I’m not a huge fan of alcohol, tobacco, firearms, or audible cursing. However when discussing a suggestive game entitled, Singles  I mentioned that it might be interesting. Apparently, the game is rated M for Mature and lets the player have graphic "relations" with Sim like characters. It was also mentioned that such interactions are also possible in Sims 2 with functions such as "Woo-Hoo"-ing in various places, but said interactions are not explicit enough for an M rating. The question was raised whether it was possible to "woo-hoo" in public places such as cars or photo booths and I answered too quickly. It was said that I was not innocent, but undercover freak. The phrase, "KaNisa likes to Woo-Hoo in public" is now company lingo as it is thought to be my only vice.


Not cool at all.

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AHHH!!!! *Kick Yeah I did it! And I’ll do it again!


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